城鎮化***urbanization***導致了巨大的住房需求。出口導向型經濟***export-oriented economy***吸引了大量勞動力從農村來到城市。高等教育的迅速擴張也通過提供教育機會致使大量知識分子湧人城市。社會資源分佈不均使得只有少數城市成為人口遷移的理想目的地,這就進一步加大了一些大城市的住房需求。人們對未來的不確定使他們將房產當作他們養老金的“最後一根稻草”。傳統的觀念植根於中國文化。人們認為擁有房產是長期居住的先決條件。
Urbanization leads to the huge demand for housing.The export-oriented economy attracts a largeamount of labor force from rural to urban areas.The fast expansion of higher education also leadsto the large inflow of intellectuals to cities by offering education opportunities.The unevendistribution of social resources makes only a few cities the ideal destinations for populationmigration, which has further increased the demand for housing in some of metropolises.People'suncertainty about the future makes them regard the real estate as the“last straw”for theirpension.The traditional concept is rooted in Chinese culture.People regard the ownership of thereal estate to be the prerequisite for long term inhabitation.
1.出口導向型經濟吸引了大量勞動力從農村來到城市:“出口導向型經濟”可用the export-oriented economy表示,oriented是“以…為導向”的意思。“從農村來到城市”可譯為from rural to urban areas,from...to...意為“從…到…”。“勞動力”可譯為labor force。
2.人們對未來的不確定使他們將房產當作他們養老金的“最後一根稻草”:“房產”可譯為the realestate。“將…當作…”可譯為regard…as…。
3.傳統的觀念植根於中國文化:“植根於”可譯為be rooted in, root在這裡是動詞,意為“生根”。“植根於”還可以翻譯為take root in。
房奴***home mortgage slave***是指那些因為需要支付大量抵押貸款,而對自身的社會生活產生消極影響的人。房奴通過工作來支付抵押貸款,這使他們成為了“奴隸”。因為大部分的可支配收人都被用來償還貸款,房奴在消費和投資上的預算十分緊張。這就導致了他們社交生活的貧乏,生活水平大幅下降,阻礙了他們個人的全面發展。針對這一問題,政府已經出臺了一些規定。其中部分規定旨在遏制房價。
Home mortgage slave refers to those people who need to pay a huge amount of mortgageloans,which negatively affects their social lives.Home mortgage slaves work to pay the mortgageloans,which enslaves them.Because most of the disposable income is spent on the mortgageloan,mortgage slaves'budget on the consumption and investment is extremely tight.This leads tothe impoverishment of their social lives,drastically decreases their living standard and hinders theircomprehensive personal development.A number of regulations have been launched.Some of themare aimed at curbing the housing price.
1.房奴是指那些因為需要支付大量抵押貸款,而對自身的社會生活產生消極影響的人:“是指”可譯為referto。“支付”可譯為pay, pay for sth.意為“為某事付出代價;付款”。“大量的”可譯a huge amount of,後可跟可數名詞,也可跟不可數名詞。“對…產生消極影響”可譯為negatively affect,而對…產生積極影響則為positivelyaffect/influence。
2.房奴通過工作來支付抵押貸款,這使他們成為了“奴隸”:“支付抵押貸款”可用pay the mortgage loans表示。“使他們成了奴隸”可譯為enslave them,enslave是“使某人成為奴隸”的意思。前級en-一般可意為“使…”,如ensure***使安全***、endanger***使危險***等。
3.這就導致了他們社交生活的貧乏,生活水平大幅下降,阻礙了他們個人的全面發展:“導致”可譯為lead to或result in。如The rain led to a disaster.***這場雨引發了一場災難。***“生活水平大幅下降”可理解為“大大降低了他們的生活水平”,故可用drastically decrease their living standard表示。
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