中國的目標是,到2020年,從可再生能源中獲取的能源量達到能源總量的20%,該目標與更富有的歐盟成員國所制定的目標一致。目前,中國在可再生能源產能***renewable energy
China aims at making the amount of power generated by renewable means reach to 20 percent oftotal power in 2020.This target is the same as that set by the richer EU member states.Atpresent,China is world-leading in renewable energy capacity.China has banned the use of plasticbags for many years.Since 1950s,the government has encouraged its residents to plant trees toform forests and return the grain plots to forestry.Sixty years later,the forest coverage has risenfrom 0.3 percent to the incredible about 21 percent.Countless similar efforts can also be seenacross China.
1.中國的目標是,到2020年,從可再生能源中獲取的能源量達到能源總量的20%:“中國的目標是”翻譯Chinaaims at;“從可再生能源中獲取的能源量”可以理解為“通過可再生能源的方式獲取的能源量”,即the amount ofpower generated by renewable means。
2.中國在可再生能源產能方面世界領先:“可再生能源產能”譯為renewable energy capacity;“世界領先”可譯為形容詞world-leading或名詞短語the world leader。
3.政府鼓勵居民植樹造林、退耕還林:表達“鼓勵某人做某事”的常用結構是 encourage sb.to do sth.;“居民”為residents或inhabitants;“植樹造林”可用plant trees to form forests來表示;“退耕還林”可用 return thegrain plots to forestry來表示。
與許多國家一樣,中國也已建立起一個體系,以確保公民在退休後能夠維持一定收人。這個體系的運轉靠的是僱主和僱員每月各自上繳一部分錢。僱員上繳的部分存人個人賬戶,退休後個人可以直接從賬戶中取錢。而僱主上繳的部分將存入社會賬戶。這個賬戶中的基金將分配給所有曾在其職業生涯中向此賬戶繳過錢的公民。這樣,即使公民用完了個人賬戶中的養老金,依然能有一些收入來維持生計 。
As in many other countries,China has put in place a system to ensure that its citizens will be able tomaintain some income after their retirement.It operates by receiving income on a monthly basisfrom both the employee and the employer.The portion received from the employee goes into apersonal account and after retirement the individual can withdraw money from itdirectly.However,the portion received from the employer goes into a social account.Funds in thisaccount are distributed to all citizens that have turned in their income into the system during theirworking life.In this way,citizens who have used up the personal fund will still have some income tosupport themselves.
1.與許多國家一樣,中國也已建立起一個體系,以確保公民在退休後能夠維持收入:建立起一個體系可譯為set up a system或put in place a system。
2.這個體系的運轉靠的是僱主和僱員每月各自上繳一部分錢:“運轉”譯為operate。“靠…上繳一部分錢”可理解為“收到…繳來的錢”,故譯為 receiving income...from…
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