“土豪***local tyrant***”原意是指在某城鎮或某地區中有錢有勢的人或家族。然而,如今舊詞添新義,“土豪”變成了一個流行語。“土豪”這個詞首次被延用到虛擬世界時,是用來形容那些願意在電腦遊戲上花大錢的人。後來,它被擴充套件到用來描述喜歡炫富的人。“土豪金”已經成為用來指代金色的iPhone 5S的流行語。黃金象徵著高貴、財富和興旺。“土豪金”曾在許多零售渠道脫銷。
“Local tyrant”originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a town or anarea.However,the old term has assumed new meanings,and has become a popular term.The useof term “local tyrant”was first extended to the virtual world to describe the people who werewilling to spend a huge sum of money on computer games.Later,it was extended to describepeople who like to brag about their wealth.“Local tyrant gold”has become a popular phrase todescribe the gold iPhone 5S.Gold symbolizes nobility,wealth and prosperity.The“local tyrantgold”used to be sold out in many retail channels.
1.“土豪”這個詞首次被延用到虛擬世界時,是用來形容那些願意在電腦遊戲上花大錢的人:“被延用到”可譯為be extended to,extend意為“擴充套件,延伸”。“虛擬世界”可譯為the virtual world。
2.黃金象徵著高貴、財富和興旺:“象徵著”可譯為symbolize,如:Olive branch symbolizes peace.***橄欖枝象徵著和平。***。
3.“土豪金”曾在許多零售渠道脫銷:“脫銷”可譯sell out。“零售渠道”可譯為retail channel,其中channel有許多詞意,如“海峽;河床;通道;渠道;頻道”等,使用時需注意。
黃金週***the Golden Week***是指為期七天的假期。許多人遠離家庭在外工作,他們利用這一假期回家。這就導致人群的大規模流動。在黃金週裡,有超過1億的人乘坐火車、汽車和飛機,經常導致交通混亂。雖然香港和澳門不慶祝黃金週假期,但這兩座城市裡都遍佈著內地遊客,他們推高了酒店的價格,塞滿了機場,使香港迪士尼樂園裡的長隊蜿蜓數英里。
The Golden Week is a holiday lasting for seven days.Working far away from their family,manypeople use the holiday as an opportunity to travel home.This leads to a mass movement ofpeople.Over 100 million people take trains,buses and airplanes in the Golden Week,often resulting intransport chaos.While Hong Kong and Macau don't celebrate Golden Week holidays,both cities arestuffed with visitors from the mainland,pushing up the prices of hotels,filling the airport and makingqueues at Hong Kong Disneyland snake for miles.
1.黃金週是指為期七天的假期:“為期七天”可譯為last for seven days。
2.這就導致人群的大規模流動:“導致”可譯為lead to。下文“導致交通混亂”的“導致”為避免重複,可譯為resultin。
3.在黃金週裡,有超過1億的人乘坐火車、汽車和飛機,經常導致交通混亂:“乘坐火車、汽車和飛機”可譯為take trains,buses and airplanes。“交通混亂”可譯為transport chaos,chaos意為混沌,混亂。
4.他們推高了酒店的價格,塞滿了機場,使香港迪士尼樂園裡的長隊蜿蜓數英里:“推高了…價格”可譯為pushup the prices of。
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