中國獨有的文書工具***calligraphic tools***,即筆、墨、紙、硯***ink stone***,被稱為“文房四寶"***Four Treasures ofthe Study***。從名稱上,我們不難看出中國的書法家和畫家珍視它們的程度。儘管這四種工具已經發生了演變,人們仍然相信,如果不使用傳統的文房四寶,中國藝術作品就出不了傑作。其他東方國家也繼承了中國的這個傳統,比如日本。也許這就是為什麼日本書法和繪畫與中國書法和國畫很相似的原因。
Chinese particular calligraphic tools include brush,ink,paper and ink stone,which are known as "FourTreasures of the Study”.We can easily tell how Chinese calligraphers and painters value them fromthe name.Despite the evolution of the four tools,it is believed that no Chinese artwork can be amasterpiece without using the traditional four treasures.Other oriental nations such as Japan hasinherited this Chinese tradition.Maybe that's why Japanese calligraphy and Japanese paintingresemble Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting.
1.儘管這四種工具已經發生了演變,人們仍然相信,如果不使用傳統的文房四寶,中國藝術作品就出不了傑作:“演變”可譯為evolution。該詞常用於以下片語中:evolution theory ***進化論***、social evolution***社會進化***、evolution of market***市場演變***。“人們仍然相信”可譯為it is believed that…;“如果不使用...”可以不用if從句,而用without短語表達,即without using...。
2.其他東方國家也繼承了中國的這個傳統,比如日本:“繼承”可譯為inherit。succeed也能表示“繼承”。“東方國家”可譯為oriental nation。
轉基因食品***genetically modified foods***是通過基因工程的方法對生物體的DNA作特定改變並由此產出的食品。這些技術允許引入新的作物性狀,對於食物基因結構的掌控也比之前的方法,如選擇性育種、誘變育種***mutation breeding***大。中國已經成為世界上最大的大豆***soybean***進口國,購買60%的全球交易大豆。這些進口大豆大部分是轉基因品種。在中國,有對關於轉基因食品的激烈的公開辯論。
Genetically modified foods are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changesintroduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.These techniques have allowedthe introduction of new crop traits as well as a far greater control over the food's genetic structurethan previous methods such as selective breeding and mutation breeding.China has become theworld s largest soybean importer, buying about 60% of the globally traded soybeans.Most of thoseimported soybeans are genetically modified varieties.In China, there is a fierce public debate ongenetically modified food.
1.轉基因食品是通過基因工程的方法對生物體的DNA作特定改變並由此產出的食品:這句話較長,經分析其主幹為“轉基因食品是…食品”,即Genetically modified foods are...foods。“通過基因工程的方法”可作方式狀語,放在句子最後,即using the methods of genetic engineering;“對生物體的 DNA 作特定改變”可譯為have had specific changes introduced into their DNA。
2.這些技術允許引入新的作物性狀,對於食物基因結構的掌控也比之前的方法,如選擇性育種、誘變育種大:“允許引入…”翻譯為allow the introduction of...;“新的作物性狀”可用new crop traits表達,trai表示“特性,性狀”;“對於…的掌控”可譯為control over...;“選擇性育種、誘變育種”可譯為 selective breeding andmutation breeding。
中國幅員遼闊,國土橫跨多個緯度***degrees of latitude***,地勢***terrain***複雜,氣候變化十分明顯。中國是一個龐大的國家,疆土一望無際,其居民數量眾多,且民族多種多樣。中國國土面積僅次於俄羅斯和加拿大,位居世界第三,佔據了亞洲約四分之一的面積。中國有多個溫度和降雨量分佈區,包括大陸季風氣候區***continentalmonsoon areas***。中國的氣候具有明顯的四季特徵,因此冬夏溫差顯著。
China has a vast land which spans many degrees of latitude with complicated terrain and theclimate varies radically.China is a huge country with endless territory.It has a large number ofpopulation and a variety of ethnic groups.China is the third largest country in the world,only afterRussia and Canada,accounting for almost a quarter of the land of Asia.China has severaltemperature and rainfall zones,including continental monsoon areas.China's climate is featured bydistinct four seasons,which leads to remarkable winter and summer temperature differences.
1.橫跨多個緯度,地勢複雜:“維度”用degrees of latitude表示,“橫跨多個維度”譯為span many degreesof latitude; “地勢複雜”可譯為 complicated terrain。注:“經度”為 degrees of longitude。
2.中國是一個龐大的國家,疆土一望無際,其居民數量眾多,且民族多種多樣:這句的主幹可翻譯為China isa huge country with...。“疆土一望無際”可用endless territory表示,territory表示“領土,領域”;“民族”翻譯為ethnic groups。
3.中國的氣候具有明顯的四季特徵,因此冬夏溫差顯著:“具有明顯的四季特徵”翻譯為is featured bydistinct four seasons;“因此...顯著”可用which引導的非限制性定語從句來表達,即which leads to...。
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