目前,我國大中型城市中,出臺“公共場所禁止吸菸”規定的城市佔45.7%。從不少制定禁止吸菸法規的城市實踐來看,效果並不明顯,大有“禁而難止”的跡象。有相當多的吸菸者視法規而不顧,面對著公共場所“請勿吸菸”、“禁止吸菸”的標示依然我行我素、吞雲吐霧。當生存壓力日益加大,如何在紛繁複雜的情況下實現“無煙環境”是我們每個人值得思索的問題。“全民禁菸”不僅是一場持久戰***a protractedcampaign***,更是一場人民保衛健康的戰爭,需要全民攜手共同戰鬥。
At present,the large and medium-sized cities in China that issue regulations to prohibit smoking in public account for 45.7 percent.From the experience of some cities,we can see the effect is
not obvious and there is even a trend that prohibition cannot stop smokers.Many smokers are indifferent to regulations of prohibiting smoking and they continue to smoke facing the sign of“no
smoking”.As living pressure increases,it is worth thinking how to create an environment with no smoking in such a complex situation.The nationwide“smoke-free”activity is not only a protracted
campaign,,but also a fight to protect people's health.Thus,all people need to work together to fight against smoking.
在當今社會,相差三歲,就會有“溝”,即所謂的:“三歲一代溝”。以前,在人們的思維裡,代溝***generation gap***所表示的時間長度是10到20年。而到了21世紀,隨著全國各地的經濟發展,人們文化知識的增長,思想意識的提髙,每個人的個性化和自我意識逐漸增強,人與人之間的交流出現了障礙,人與人之間的想法、觀點出現了分歧,很難找到共鳴***resonance***。這種現象與經濟發達程度有關,經濟越發達的地方,代溝的時間差距越小。
In modern society,there will be a generation gap if the gap of ages reaches 3 years.This is the so-called“Each three-year age gap,one generation gap”.In the past,people thought that
generation gap appeared when the age gap reached 10 to 20 years.But in the 21st century,with the national economic development,the growth of people's cultural knowledge and the improvement of
their thought and consciousness,people's individualization and self-awareness have gradually been strengthened.Communication barriers among people appear;ideas and viewpoints begin to differ
from person to person,making it hard for one to find resonance with other people.This phenomenon is related to the level of economic development-the more developed a place is,the narrower the
age gap will be.
Confucius is the most influential and respectedphilosopher in Chinese history.His ideas have themost powerful and sole influence on Chinese societyfrom around 100 B.C.till the early 20thcentury.Confucius never wrote down any of his ownteachings.But for his disciples who took the trouble to record his conversations anddiscourses,Confucius would have been a nobody today.Being widespread across China,peopleaccepted the teachings of Confucius for their sound principles,and all successive dynasties madethem the official state ideology.Confucianism then affected everything in China includingeducation,government,public and private attitudes, and etiquette.