We welcome that the countries in the Eurasia regionactively participate in China's west development andthe rejuvenation of the old industrial base of theNortheast China and strengthen the vigor andvitality of the cooperation between China andevery country in the Eurasia region.The countries inthe Eurasia region have traditional friendship with China,strong economic complementaritiesand the Chinese government will encourage and support the Chinese enterprises to expandtrading and increase the investment in Eurasia region and realize the mutual development.
The price which society pays for the law ofcompetition,like the price it pays for cheap comfortsand luxuries,is also great,but the advantages of thislaw are greater still than its cost,for it is to this lawthat we owe our wonderful materialdevelopment,which brings improved conditions in itstrain.
The only way to acquire more knowledge is byeducation and training.Knowledge,like capital,materialresources and sweat,has become anecessary,perhaps the most fundamental factor ofproduction.Therefore,the educational system of asociety should be able to shift towards theknowledge-based work fast,or this society will inevitably lag behind.
It is the function of education,the function of allthe great institutions of learning in the UnitedStates,to provide continuity for our national life—totransmit to youth the best of our culture that hasbeen tested in the fire of history.It is equally theobligation of education to train the minds and thetalents of our youth;to improve,through creative citizenship,our American institutions inaccord,with the requirments of the future.