唐朝時期,人們就在昌南建造窯坊***kiln***,燒製出一種青白瓷***bluish white porcelain***。青白瓷色彩晶瑩,有“人造玉器”的美稱,因而遠近聞名,並大量出口歐洲。當時,歐洲人還不會製造瓷器,因此中國特別是昌南鎮的瓷器很受歡迎。 在歐洲,昌南鎮瓷器是備受珍愛的貴重物品,人們以能獲得一件昌南鎮瓷器為榮。因此,歐洲人就以“昌南”作為瓷器和生產瓷器的“中國”的代稱。久而久之,歐洲人就把昌南的本意忘卻了,只記得它是“瓷器”,即“中國”了。
In the Tang Dynasty, people started to build kilns tomake bluish white porcelain in Changnan. The bluishwhite porcelain was glittering and had thereputation of artificial jade, so it became
famoushome and abroad and was exported to Europe inlarge amount. At that time, Europeans were not able to make porcelain,so porcelain fromChina,especially from Changnan,was warmly welcomed. In
Europe,porcelain from Changnanwas luxurious article cherished by everyone, and obtaining even one piece of it would makepeople feel very proud. In this way,Europeans used Changnan as the code
name for china***porcelain*** and the place of its production,China. Gradually, Europeans forgot the originalmeaning of Changnan,only remembering it is “china”,namely“China”.
在中國,酒***white spirit***作為一種特殊的文化形式,有著5000多年的歷史。確 超所著的《杯裡春秋》***The Springand Autumn in the Cup***—書認為,喝酒有點像學問,而不是大吃大喝。中國歷史上有很多關於酒的故事。唐代偉大詩人李白可以“斗酒詩百篇”,喝得越多,他的詩就作得越好。在中國民俗中,酒有著極其重要的地位。不論是君王還是平民,都用烈酒***spirit***慶祝各個節日、婚禮、生日聚會, 紀念逝者,為親友接風或送行,慶賀好訊息,擺脫焦慮和治療疾病以求長壽。
White spirit,as a special form of Chinese culture, has a history of more than 5,000 years. According to the book The Spring and Autumn in the Cup by Lin Chao,white spirit drinking is
something of learning rather than eating and drinking. There are many stories about white spirit in Chinese history. The great poet Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty could “write 100 poems after
drinking white spirit”,and the more white spirit he drank, the better his poem would be. White spirit plays an extremely important role in Chinese folk custom. Spirits are used to celebrate
different festivals,wedding ceremonies and birthday parties,to memorize the departed,to welcome and send off relatives and friends, to congratulate the good news and to get rid of anxiety,to
cure diseases and prolong life,both for emperors and ordinary people.
臉譜***facial makeup***是指中國傳統戲劇—京劇裡男演員臉部的彩色化妝。 它在色彩、形式和型別上有一定的格式。臉譜運用紅色、黃色、白色、黑色、紫色、綠色和銀色代表不同的人物性格。各角色的臉譜由油漆、粉和油彩畫成,基 本形式是整臉、三塊瓦臉***San Kuai Wa Lian***和碎臉。這些臉譜型別被廣泛用於代 表、官員、英雄、神靈和鬼魅。通過眼睛和鼻子周圍形狀各異的白色小塊, 可以辨別出醜角***Chou actors***。有時這些小塊以黑色勾勒,常稱小花臉。
Facial makeup refers to the colorful painting on theface of the actors in Peking Opera, which is atraditional Chinese opera. It has certain format interms of color,design and type.Red,yellow,white,black,purple,green and silverare the main colors used for facial makeup to represent different characters. The facial designsfor the roles are made by painting, powdering and coloring in the basic forms of ZhengLzan***keeping the basic face pattern***,San Kuai Wa Lian***three-section face*** and SuiLian***fragmentary face***.These types are widely used to represent generals,officials,heroes,gods and ghosts. The Chou ***clown*** actors can be recognized by the patch of white in variousshapes painted around the eyes and nose. Sometimes these patches are outlined in black, oftencalled Xiao Hua Lian***partly painted face***.
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