Group buying is a new shopping mode which, as its name implies, means a large group ofpeople buying the same product. It aims at enhancing buyers' negotiation power with sellersto get a favorable price. With the prosperity and development of Chinese ecommerce, onlinegroup buying is popular among Chinese Internet users and has become the main form ofgroup buying. It is convenient, fast, low in price and unrestrained by regions. Currentlymany websites in China are trying to launch group buying service and flourish quickly, such asJuhuasuan, Nuomituan. It is known that the majority of online group buyers are young peoplein large and medium-sized cities in China.
3.“它方便、快捷、價格低、不受地域限制”的主語“它”,後跟四個並列形容詞作表語,譯為convenient fast,low in price and unrestrained by regions。此外,該句也可以譯為 It has the characteristic ofconvenience, efficiency, inexpensiveness and no territory restriction。
4.最後一句中的“據瞭解…”可使用it is known that的結構,後跟that引導主語從句。
Influenced jointly by internal dynamics of Chinese economy and external pressures, RMB hasappreciated constantly in recent years. The internal influences mainly include China's pricelevel, the situations of inflation and economic growth, as well as interest rate level, while theexternal influences mainly come from the pressures exerted by developed countries, Japan andAmerica in particular. The appreciation of RMB will not only increase its purchasing powerand expand domestic consumers' demands for imported goods, but also alleviate the costburden of imported energies and raw materials. However, it may affect the stability of thedomestic financial market and raise the cost of exported products, which would reduce thecompetitive power of Chinese products in the global market.
1.第一句“人民幣近幾年來不斷升值”,時態要採用現在完成時,表示已經發生並且還在持續。“受到的共同影響”可採用過去分詞作狀語,譯為influenced jointly by...。
2.第二句由兩部分組成,第一部分敘述內部影響,第二部分敘述外部影響,可用while進行連線,表示對比。修飾“壓力”的定語“來自發達國家施加的”較長,可後置用過去分詞exerted by developed countries表取;也可譯為定語從句which are exerted by...。
3.在“人民幣升值會增加…能源和原料的成本負擔”中,主語為“人民幣升值”,謂語動詞有三個:“增加”“擴大”和“減輕”,可以用not only... but also...銜接,體現隱含的遞進關係。
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