《清明上河圖》***Riverside Scene on Tomb-SweepingDay***為北宋末年,南宋初年的畫家張擇端所繪,展現了清明時分北宋都城東京汴河***Bianhe River***兩岸的景象。全畫分為三部分:第一部分描繪晨光下的景象,郊外岸邊緩緩行進的馱隊;第二部分描繪汴河橋一片繁忙的景象;第三部分描繪市區街道上的景象,商人來來往往。整幅畫卷寬24.8釐米,長528.7釐米,描繪的人物約500多個,動物50多個,樹木約170多棵。這幅出色的繪畫作品使我們更好地瞭解當時北宋都城的生活。
Riverside Scene on Tomb-Sweeping Day was painted by Zhang Zeduan,a painter lived in the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty.It depicts scenes along the Bianhe River in
Dongjing,the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty on the Tomb-Swecping Day.The painting is divided into three parts.The first part dcpicts a team of pack animals walking slowly along the
river bank in the suburbs in the morning light; the second part portrays the bustling scene around the Bianhe bridge over the river; the third part shows the downtown streets, crowded with
people doing business.The whole scroll is 24.8 centimeters wide and 528.7 centimeters long, and has approximately more than 500 people, over 50 animals, and 170 trees depicted on it.This
wonderful painting makes us study better the life of people at that time in the Northern Song capital city.
諸葛亮是中國古代傑出的政治家,軍事家。作為遁世***recluse***之人,諸葛亮致力於學習知識,其智慧之名廣為流傳。劉備曾三顧茅廬,請求諸葛亮相助。諸葛亮為劉備詳細分析局勢,建議劉備與孫權聯手對抗曹操。劉備採納了他的建議,在赤壁之戰***Battle of the Red Cliff***中挫敗曹操、稱帝后不久,劉備去世。臨終時,劉備代表兒子劉嬋將蜀國江山託付給諸葛亮。諸葛亮對內廣泛推行改革,納賢臣,提高農業生產,加強灌溉工程,強調軍隊紀律,很快就幫蜀國克服重重危機。
Zhuge Liang was a brilliant politician and strategist in ancient China.Being a recluse, Zhuge Liang devoted himself to acquiring knowledge, and his reputation of wisdom spread widely.Liu Bei
once visited Zhuge Liang three times to ask for his assistance.Zhuge Liang analyzed the situation in detail for Liu Bei, and recommended that he and Sun Quan should fight against Cao Cao hand
in hand.Liu Bei adopted his suggestion and defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of the Red Cliff.Not long after being the emperor of Shu, Liu Bei passed away.Before Liu Bei died, he entrusted the
state power of Shu to Zhuge Liang on behalf of his son,Liu Shan.Zhuge Liang carried out widespread domestic reforms, employing people with ability, improving agricultural production and
construction of irrigation works, and stressing discipline in the army,which helped Shu overcome a series of crises soon.
秦始皇***Emperor Qin Shi Huang***統一各國後,修復、連線並擴充套件了先前各國修建的城牆,將其建成巨大的軍事防禦工程,東起遼東半島***Liaodong Peninsula***,西至臨洮。這就是舉世聞名的萬里長城。長城是世界一大奇蹟,由數百關隘***pass***、堡壘***fortress***、塔樓和城牆構成。每隔一定距離,就建一個烽火臺,敵人接近時,發出警報。位於北京的八達嶺長城、慕田峪長城和司馬臺長城都建於明朝時期。如今,長城每年都吸引著眾多國內外遊客前來參觀。它不僅是藝術非凡的文物古蹟,同時也是中華人民偉大力量與智慧的結晶。
After Emperor Qin Shi Huang united the separate states, he restored, linked up and extended the city walls built by the former states into huge military defensive works which started from the Liaodong Peninsula in the east and ended at Lintao in the west. This is the world-famous Great Wall. It is one of the important wonders of the world, consisting of hundreds of passes,fortresses, towers and walls. Beacon towers are built at certain intervals to give the alarm if enemies approach. The parts of the Great Wall situated at Badaling, Mutianyu and Simatai in Beijing were all constructed during the Ming Dynasty. Nowadays, the Great Wall attracts a great many tourists from home and abroad each year. It is an artistically extraordinary cultural relic and historic site as well as the crystalisation of Chinese people's great strength and wisdom.