瑜伽有著六千多年的歷史,起源於印度。古代的瑜伽信徒發展了瑜伽體系,他們深信通過運動身體和調控呼吸完全可以控制心智和情感***control one’s mind and emotions***,保持身體長久的健康。瑜伽姿勢大部分來源於模仿動物的姿態,達到鍛鍊身心的效果。瑜伽不同於體操和舞蹈,也不同於一般的有氧練習。只有當呼吸、意識和姿勢結合成一體***breathing,mind and posture get into one***時,才是真正的瑜伽練習。可以說,瑜伽不僅僅是一種運動方式.也是一種生活態度。
Yoga is originated in India with more than 6,000 years of history. Ancient yoga practitioners developed yoga system. They firmly believed that through the movement of one's body and control of one's breathing, one can completely control one's mind and emotions, so as to keep long-term health. Most yoga postures are imitations of animal postures in order to exercise one's physical and mental power. Yoga is unlike gymnastics, dance, or common aerobic exercise. Only at the time when one's breathing, mind and posture get into one, one is in the condition of yoga exercise. So we can say that yoga is not just a sport, but also an attitude to life.
現在大家都在討論雲端計算***cloud computing***,這意味著利用網際網路的遠端計算的發展。這對於中小型企業來說是好訊息,因為基於雲端計算的系統為他們提供了大量的工具,能夠為其節省成本,降低維修的次數。同許多技術創新一樣,雲端計算的應用遇到了傳統的系統和設想***traditional system and patterns of design***的阻礙。在發達國家,大多數企業已經擁有依賴於傳統硬體、軟體和常規的工作方式的基礎設施。而在發展中國家,政府和研究機構很希望鼓勵應用價格便宜的技術。
Nowadays all people are talking about cloud computing, which means the development of remote computing through Internet. This is good news for small and medium enterprises, because the system based on cloud computing can provide them with a number of tools, which helps them save cost and reduce frequencies of maintenance. Just as many technological innovations, cloud computing applications encounter obstacles caused by the traditional system and patterns of design. In developed countries, most companies already have the fundamental infrastructure which relies on traditional hardware, software and conventional ways of operation. But in developing countries, government and research institutions hope to encourage the application of cheaper technology. 英語六級翻譯提高練習題3:
相聲***comic dialogue***起源於北京,流行於全國各地。一般認為於清咸豐、同治年間形成。它是一種歷史悠久、流傳較廣、有深厚群眾基礎的曲藝表演形式。表演形式有單口、對口、群口三種。單口相聲***monologue talk***由一個演員表演,講述笑話;對口相聲由兩個演員一問一答;群口相聲由三個以上演員表演。傳統曲目以諷刺舊社會各種醜惡現象和通過詼諧的敘述反映各種生活現象為主,解放後除繼續發揚諷刺傳統外,也有歌頌***sing the praises of***新人新事的作品。
Comic dialogue originated in Beijing, and is popular in all parts of China. It's generally believed that comic dialogue emerged as a new culture during the time of Xianfeng and Tongzhi Emperors of Qing Dynasty. It's a type of art and opera performance with long history, being widely popular and loved by broad masses of people. There are 3 types of performance, namely monologue talk, cross talk, multi-show talk. Monologue talk is performed by one person, talking on jokes; cross talk is performed by two people interacting with each other; multi-show talk is performed by three or more people. Traditional themes focus on satirizing social evils in history or humorously illustrating various phenomena in society. After liberation of China, in addition to the tradition of satire style, some art performance sings the praises of new deeds at new times.