


  中國的橋樑建設有著悠久的歷史。中國古代橋樑以木材和石頭為主要建築材料,形式多樣,極富特色。中國現存最古老的橋樑為隋代建造的安濟橋,位於河北省趙縣。安濟橋又名趙州橋,橋長50.82米,橋寬9米,為國家重點保護的文物***cultural relic***。清朝末年,蘭州黃河鐵橋建成,標誌著中國橋樑建設進入了以鋼鐵和混凝土***concrete***為主要材料的時期。如今,中國的橋樑建設保持著多項世界記錄,中國躋身於世界橋樑建設強國行列。


  China boasts a long history in bridge construction. With wood and stone as the major buildingmaterials, Chinese ancient bridges vary in forms and are highly distinct.Constructed in the SuiDynasty, Anji Bridge, which is located in Zhao County, Hebei Province, is the oldest existingbridge in China.Anji Bridge, also named Zhaozhou Bridge, is a key national protected culturalrelic measuring a length of 50.82 meters and a width of 9 meters.In the late years of the QingDynasty, Huanghe Iron Bridge in Lanzhou was completed, symbolizing that China's bridgeconstruction stepped into an era of adopting steel and concrete as the main materials forbridges.Now, bearing many world records, China stands among world giants in bridgeconstruction.


  1.第二句中的“以...為主要建築材料”可處理為狀語,用介詞短語with...as the major building materials表達,而“中國古代橋樑”宜譯為“形式多樣,極富特色”的主語,謂語部分“形式多樣,極富特色”可處理為並列內容,用and連線,表達為 vary in forms and are highly distinct。

  2.第三句“中國現存最古老的橋樑…位於河北省趙縣”的定語較多,可以拆譯成兩句。首先譯出主要結構AnjiBridge is the bridge,“現存最古老的”有兩個形容詞,英語中的比較級或最高階形容詞通常在其他形容詞之前,故譯為oldest existing。“隋代建造的”可處理為過去分詞短語constructed in the Sui Dynasty或which引導的定語從句。

  3.第四句的主幹是“安濟橋為國家重點保護的文物”,故把“又名趙州橋”處理為插入語also named...;將“橋長50.82米,橋寬9米”處理為伴隨狀態的狀語,用分詞短語measuring a length of...and a width of...譯出。

  4.倒數第二句中的“蘭州黃河鐵橋”與“建成”之間是被動關係,翻澤時需把“建成”譯為被動式wascompleted。“標誌著中國…”是結果,故可處理為狀語,用現在分詞短語symbolizing that...表達。定語“以鋼鐵和混凝土為主要材料的”較長,可處理為後置定語,用現在分詞短語adopting...as the main materials表達,也可用介詞短語with...as the main materials翻譯。


  長城被稱為中國的奇蹟,擁有兩千多年的歷史。從空中俯瞰,它像一條長龍,從西向東蜿蜒前行,總長約6700公里。從春秋戰國時期***the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period***起,各諸侯國開始修建城牆以保護邊境。秦朝建立以後,秦始皇把這些城牆連線起來,成為長城。然而,當時的長城大都已經在戰爭中損毀,而現存的長城主要是明朝時修建的。長城最初是為了抵抗來自北方的侵略,如今已成為旅遊勝地,吸引了來自世界各地的遊客。有句諺語:“不到長城非好漢”,足以見證長城的雄偉壯觀***grandeur***。


  The Great Wall,with a history of more than 2,000 years,was regarded as a wonder ofChina.From a bird's-eye view,it is just like a dragon winding itself from west to east,stretchingfor approximately 6,700 kilometers.Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the WarringStates Period,the walls had been put up to defend the borders by the kingdoms.After thefounding of Qin Dynasty,Qin Shi Huang had all the walls joined together to make "The GreatWall".While most of the walls were ruined in wars,the majority of the Great Wall we see todaywas mainly built during Ming Dynasty.The Great Wall,originally built to resist the invasionfrom the North,now has become a well-known place of interest,attracting tourists from all overthe world.As a saying goes,"He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man",whichis evidence of its grandeur.


  1.第二句中的“從西向東蜿蜓前行,總長約6700公里”,描述的主語都是“它”—長城,故用現在分詞短語winding...stretching...作狀語,對長城做進一步說明;“總長”可在stretch for後面直接用數字表示。

  2.第三句中的“各諸侯國開始修建城牆以保護邊境”可譯為主動態the kingdoms had built the walls todefend their borders,也可用the walls作主語,使用被動態來表達。

  3.例數第二句中的“長城成為旅遊勝地”可翻譯為英文句的主幹,“吸引了來自各界各地的遊客”,用現在分詞短語attracting...表伴隨狀況“最初是為了…”處理為過去分詞originally built to...作目的狀語。

  4.最後一句話中,“有句諺語”可使用as a saying goes這一句型;“足以見…”是對諺語的補充說明,可使用which引導的非限制性定語從句。