故宮***The Palace Museum ***,舊稱紫禁城***Forbidden City ***,是明、清兩朝***the Ming and QingDynasties***的皇宮,位於北京市市中心,前通天安門,後倚景山公園,東近王府井街市,西臨中南海。故宮是無與倫比的古代建築傑作,也是世界現存規模最大、儲存最完整的古代皇宮建築群,1987年被聯合國教科文組織***UNESCO***評為世界文化遺產。故宮是中華民族的驕傲所在,也是全人類的珍貴文化遺產。
The Palace Museum, once called Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of the Ming and QingDynasties. Located in central City of Beijing, it faces Tian’anmen Square in the front, withJingshan Park at its back, Wangfujing Street at its east, and Zhongnanhai at its west. ThePalace Museum is an unprecedented masterpiece of ancient construction and the world’slargest and best-preserved architectural complex of ancient imperial palace at present. Itwas listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987. It’s an invaluable cultural heritageof all human beings as well as the pride of the Chinese nation.
1.位於北京市市中心:可譯為located in central City of Beijing或者located in the center of Beijing,其中 locate 常用於被動語態。
2.前通…,後倚……,東近…,西臨…:這一句的翻譯比較難,可以用***it*** faces...in the front, with...at its back, ... at its east and ... at its west的結構簡化處理。
3.無與倫比的古代建築傑作:可譯為unprecedented masterpiece of ancient construction,其中“無與倫比的”也可以用unmatched “無可匹敵的,無法比擬的”表示。
4.儲存最完整的:“儲存最完整的”即“儲存最好的”,要用well-preserved 的最高階the best-preserved。
5.建築群:可譯為architectural complex,也可譯為 groups of building。
6.世界文化遺產:為固定表達,翻譯為world cultural heritage。
長城***the Great Wall***又被稱作“萬里長城”,不僅是中華文明的瑰寶,也是中國古代人民智慧的結晶。長城是世界文化遺產***world cultural heritage***之一,更是中華民族的象徵。其在建築上的價值,足以與其在歷史和戰略上的重要性相媲美。長城現存的遺址有很多處,其中北京的八達嶺長城是馳名中外的景區,也是明代長城最具代表性的一段,每年都會接待來自世界各地的許多遊客。
The Great Wall, which is also called “wan li chang cheng” in Chinese language, is not only thetreasure of Chinese civilization, but also the masterpiece made by the ancient Chinese people.The Great Wall is not only one of the world cultural heritages, but the symbol of the Chinesenation. Its architectural value is comparable to its historical and strategic importance. Amongthe numerous remains of the Great Wall, Badaling in Beijing is the most popular destinationthat has won fame both at home and abroad. It can also be regarded as the mostrepresentative section of the Wall ever constructed during the Ming Dynasty. Every year itattracts many tourists from all over the world.
1.中華文明的瑰寶:瑰寶即為“特別珍貴的東西”,所以可譯為the treasure of Chinese civilization。
2.智慧的結晶:這裡要表達的意思是:成果,傑作,千萬不要直譯,可譯為 masterpiece。
3.與...相嫂美:可譯為be comparable to,也可以表達為A and B are comparable。
4.馳名中外:可譯為have won fame both at home and abroad, be known at home and abroad 或者be renowned both inside and outside the country。
5.接待…遊客:中文中“接待遊客”的主語常是某個地方或景點,而英文中卻不說某個地方或景點receivetourists, receive作“接待”講時,常用人作主語。所以這裡可以靈活翻譯為attract tourists。
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