中國國際數碼互動娛樂展覽會***China Joy***以成千上萬的展場女郎而著稱,當然還包括展會上釋出的新遊戲,以及幕後髙管們的奢華跑車***sports car***。這個展會不僅吸引了成群的年輕人和潛在玩家,也反映了中國中堅級***hardcore***網路遊戲蘊含的巨大財富。從收益來看,網路遊戲市場是中國網際網路產業最大的市場,2009年創造的收入達35.7億美元,預計2014年可達92億美元。
China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exposition ***ChinaJoy*** is famous for itsthousands of show girls, of course also for the new online games released on the exposition andthe luxurious sports cars of the top executives behind the scenes. This exposition not only attractscrowds of youngsters and potential players, but also reflects the rich fortunes coming fromhardcore online games in China. Judged by revenue, the market of online games is the largestmarket in China's internet industry, with revenue of $3.57 billion in 2009 and $9.2 billion in 2014 byanticipation.
1.中國國際數碼互動娛樂展覽會以成千上萬的展場女郎而著稱,當然還包括展會上釋出的新遊戲,以及幕後高管們的奢華跑車:中國國際數碼互動娛樂展覽會簡稱為ChinaJoy。“以...而著稱”可譯為be famous for...或be well-known for...;“展場女郎”可用show girls來表示;根據段落主題,“釋出新遊戲”指“釋出新網路遊戲”,譯為release new online games;“幕後”翻譯為behind the scenes。
2.這個展會不僅吸引了成群的年輕人和潛在玩家,也反映了中國中堅級網路遊戲孩含的巨大財富:“不僅...也...”可譯為not only...but also...,該表達方式為英語中常見的並列結構,使用時注意前後時態一致,另外,如果not only放在句首,則前半句需為倒裝句。“中堅級網路遊戲”也就是“核心網路遊戲”故可譯為hardcore onlinegames。
2008年夏天,中國舉辦了北京奧運會。從8月份開始,成千上萬的頂尖運動員和數以百萬計的奧運迷就湧入北京。為了準備奧運會,北京規劃了很多新建築, 包括體育場館、為奧運迷們準備的賓館,還有供運動員和教練居住的奧運村。在這些新建築中,有一些和世界上其他建築相比是獨樹一幟的,比如國家體育場“鳥巢”***the"Bird's Nest"***。儘管這座體育場是由鋼筋混凝土***steel and concrete***建成的,但它看起來就像一個由樹枝築成的巨大鳥巢。
In the summer of 2008,China hosted the Beijing Olympics.Since August,thousands of top athletesand millions of Olympics fans had poured into Beijing.To prepare for the Olympics,Beijing had planneda lot of new buildings,including stadiums,hotels for the Olympics fans,and the Olympic village wherethe athletes and coaches would live.Among these new buildings,some are unique compared withother buildings in the world,for example,the National Stadium which is called the "Bird's Nest".Eventhough it's made of steel and concrete,the stadium looks just like a giant nest made with branches.
2.從8月份開始,成千上萬的頂尖運動員和數以百萬計的奧運迷就湧入北京: 數詞“成千上萬”和“數以百萬計”分別可翻譯為thousands of和millions of,注意thousand和million都要用複數。“湧入”可譯為pour into,pouroneself into 意為“投身於……”。
3.在這些新建築中,有一些和世界上其他建築相比是獨樹一幟的:“獨樹一幟的”可用形容詞unique來表示。“和...相比”譯為compared with。
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