The only reason I’ve managed to accomplish anything isbecause I am a firm believer in continuous improvement. If you fail insomething, distance from the event for a day or two, because agonizing over theproblem will not make it go away ***and will make it a lot worse***. Read a goodbook, catch up with some friends you haven’t seen in a long time, or go on anature hike. You will be able to look at the issue with a fresh perspective. After you have done that, ask yourself: “Why did this work out and how can Ido better next time?” This process very well could repeat itself several times depending on the nature of your goal, but if you keep making a firm commitment to continuously improve yourself, you will develop so much that the only option left is success. Consistent hustle always wins.
A shining pearl on the coast of South China, Macao attracts the world’s attention for her charm, history of great events and glory, especially for the unusual date of December 20, 1999.
Macao has been the territory of China ever since the ancient times. TheChinese people have been living and working there for generations.
Early in the 80s, Mr. Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures of thecentury, put forward the bold concept of "One Country, Two Systems".
On July 1,1997, the People’s Republic of China resumed her sovereignty over Hong Kong. This year, Macao will completely get rid of the foreign regime and return tomotherland. This is another great historical event for the Chinese people. Itsymbolizes another big step for the Chinese people on their way towards thegreat goal of the country’s reunification. Macao’s future is sure to be evenbrighter.
現代人類約公元前50000年第一次從中亞或印度來到中國。這些石器時代***Stone Age***的人,居住在洞穴中,穿著毛皮。公元前 4000年左右,這些人開始種植水稻,並飼養羊和雞。約公元前3000年, 他們開始使用陶器***pottery***並住在房子裡。到公元前2000年,中國 人已進入青銅時代***Bronze Age***,並開始用於寫字。約公元前700年, 中國的金屬工人學會製作鐵器工具和武器。
Modem humans first came to China from Central Asia or India about 50,000 BC. These were Stone Age people, who lived in caves and wore fur and leather. By around 4,000 BC, these people were starting to farm rice and keep sheep and chickens. By about 3,000 BC, they were using pottery and living in houses. By 2,000 BC,Chinese people had entered the Bronze Age and had begun to use writing. By about 700 BC, Chinese metal-workers learned to make iron tools and weapons.
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