在中國,會見親朋好友或在春節期間拜訪某人時,除了握手之外,拱手禮 ***fist-and-palm salute***也是常見的禮儀。拱手禮是中國古代重要的禮儀,有著2000 多年的歷史。它形成於西周時期,後來成為同輩人見面時的禮儀。中國人以距離表示對他人的尊重,不像西方人常以身體的親近表示尊重。拱手禮保持一定的距離,比較符合現代衛生***hygiene***要求。因此很多禮學專家***etiquette expert***都認為,拱手禮是一種最恰當的交往禮儀。
In China,besides handshaking,when meeting friends and relatives, or paying a visit to someone during the Spring Festival,the fist-and-palm salute is also common etiquette. It is an important
etiquette in ancient China with a history of more than 2,000 years. The fist-and-palm salute was formed in the West Zhou Dynasty, and later it became the etiquette when meeting peers. Chinese
people show their respect to others through distance,which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain
distance, which is in line with modem hygiene requirements. So many etiquette experts believe that fist-and-palm salute is the most appropriate communication etiquette.
石獅***stone lion***由石頭刻成,是中國傳統建築中常見的裝飾物。一般來說,石獅是指大門外的一對獅子;然而,他們的外表卻不是我們所熟悉的獅子。也許中國古代的大多數中原人從未見過真正的獅子。據說,獅子是在漢朝時由西域***the Western Region***引入中國的。在中國文化中,獅子是神話中的形象,而非真正的動物。獅子被視為神獸***divine beast***。中國人認為它可以驅除邪靈。一般情況下,根據中國傳統文化,石獅應該是一對。通常雌獅子的兩爪之間會刻一隻幼獅,而雄獅則是用一隻爪子玩球。
Stone lions are carved out of stone, which is thecommon ornament in Chinese traditionalarchitecture.Generally, stone lions refer to the pairedlions out side the gate;however, their
appearancesare not the lions we are familiar with. Maybe mostpeople in the central plains of ancient China hadnever seen a real lion. It is said lions were introduced into China in the Han
Dynasty from theWestern Region.In Chinese culture, lion is a mythical figure rather than a real animal. Lion isregarded as the divine beast. Chinese people think that lions can drive away the
evilspirits.Generally,it should be a pair of lions according to Chinese traditional culture.The femalelion is usually carved to have a child lion between her paws,while the male lion is playing
a ballwith one paw.
一想到中國,人們腦海中閃現的第一件事便是絲綢。中國是絲綢的發源地,今天仍在生產一些世界上最好的絲綢。在中國,探索絲綢奧妙最好的地方是蘇州。正是在那裡,誕生了第一批絲繡***silk embroidery***,如今蘇州仍在生產中國最好的絲綢。絲綢可以用合成纖維***synthetic fibre***和人造纖維等製成,但最優質的絲綢是由桑蠶絲***mulberry silk***製成的。桑蠶***silkworm***純粹以桑葉餵食。蘇州絲綢可以製成很多產品,最常見的是衣服和圍巾,但也能做成鞋、餐巾、玩具,甚至風箏。
When people think of China, silk is the first thingthat pops into their mind. China is the birthplace ofsilk, and still produces some of the finest silk in theworld. In China, the best place to discover thewonder of silk is the city of Suzhou. It was therethat some of the first silk embroideries were born, and Suzhou is still producing the best silks inChina. Silk can be produced from synthetic fibre and artificial fibre, etc., but the finest qualitysilk is made from mulberry silk. The silkworms are fed purely on mulberry leaves. Suzhou Silkcan be made into a great many products, the most commonly being clothing and scarves, and itcan be made into shoes, napkin, toys, and even kites as well.
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