




  Pingyao is an ancient city with a history of over 2700 years, loeated in the middle pan of ShanxiProvince, China. It is an outstanding example of cities of the Han nationality during the Ming andQing Dynasties. Its city walls, streets, dwelling houses, shops and temples have retained all thefeatures to an exceptional degree. Also, many traditions are still preserved by the people living inPingyao. The enclosed city is of distinct function and proper layout. The city wall that was builtwith black bricks has stood against rains and storms for over 600 years and been well preserved.Now it has bccome a symbol of the old city.

  1.平遙位於中國山西省中部,是一個有著2700多年曆史的古老城市:“有著...歷史"可譯為with a history of或have a history of。


  3.城牆是由黑色的磚砌成,已經經歷了600多年的風雨洗禮,一直儲存完好:其中“由黑色的碎蝴成”可譯為be built with black bricks。


  龍門石窟***Longmen Grottoes***坐落於洛陽市南。它和雲岡石窟***Yungang Caves***、莫髙窟***Mogao Caves***被視為中國最著名的三大石窟。許多關於藝術、音樂、宗教、書法、醫藥、服裝和建築的歷史資料都儲存在龍門石窟裡。龍門石窟1400個洞穴內有多達10萬座雕像,雕像髙度從1英寸到57英尺不等。這些作品完全致力於佛教主題,代表了中國石刻藝術的巔峰。


  Longmen Grottoes are located in the south of Luoyang city.Longmen Grottoes,Yungang Caves andMogao Caves are regarded as three most famous grottoes in China.Lots of historical materialsconcerning art,music,religion,calligraphy,medicine,costume and architecture are kept in LongmenGrottoes.There are as many as 100,000 statues within the 1,400 caves,ranging from 1 inch to 57feet in height.These works that are entirely devoted to the Buddhist religion,represent thepeakedness of Chinese stone carving art.

  1.龍門石窟坐落於洛陽市南:其中“石窟”也就是“洞穴”,可譯為grotto,它變復教時要加es。“坐落於”可譯為belocated in,locate意為“坐落於,確定…的位置”。

  2.它和雲岡石窟、莫高窟被視為中國最著名的三大石窟:其中“被視為”可譯為be regarded as,也可用beconsidered as或be seen as來表示。

  3.這些作品完全致力於佛教主題,代表了中國石刻藝術的巔峰:其中“致力於”可譯為 be devoted to,devote意為“奉獻,把...專用於”,devote oneself to 意為“獻身於;沉溺於”。“代表”可譯為represent,stand for也有“代表”的意思;前者多指實體代表,後者多指抽象物體代表。“巔峰”可譯為peakedness。