星期四這天,圍觀者們聚集在一起觀看暴風的時候,颱風“潭美”***Typhoon Trami***引發的60英尺高的海水,在海寧市附近的海岸 突然落下。當時並沒有立刻弄清楚人們傷勢有多嚴重,也沒有任何 死亡的報告。這場颱風是由於浙江省東部的暴雨和時速80英里的風 引起的,它迫使40萬人離開家園,造成了數百萬美元的損失。
The 60-foot wall of water — triggered by Typhoon Trami — crashed on the shore near the city of Haining,where onlookers gathered to watch the storm on Thursday. It was not immediately clear
how bad the people were injured. There were no reports of any deaths. The typhoon — which caused heavy rain and 80-mph winds along the eastern Zhejiang Province — forced over 400,000 people to
be evacuated from their homes and caused millions of dollars of damage.
國家體育總局***the General Administration of Sport***在一項調查中 發現,自2010年以來,20-39歲的中國人體重增加更多——1.9千克。 這個年齡段中超過11%的人屬於肥胖,這在三年的時間裡就上漲了 兩個百分點。
China’s young adults are gaining more weight and exercising less than their elders. Chinese from ages 20 to 39 have put on more kilograms — 1.9 kg ——than other adults since 2010,the General
Administration of Sport found in a survey. More than 11% from the age group were obese, up two percentage points in only three years.
都江堰中興鎮發生山體滑坡***landslide***——這是2008年四川地 震時受災最嚴重的地方。山體滑坡覆蓋了大約兩平方公里,摧毀了 至少11所房子。到目前為止,已有200多名居民被疏散。山體滑 坡幾個小時後,巡邏隊員到達現場時,一切都已經是一片汪洋。目 擊者描述石頭和殘骸***debris***從山上滾下來,不到三分鐘就把八座 房屋吞沒了。
The landslide occurred in the town of Zhongxing is Dujiangyan —one of the places badly hit by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. The landslide, which covered about 2 sq km, damaged at least 11 homes. So far more than 200 residents have been evacuated. By the time patrol members arrived at the scene, a few hours after the landslide,everything was already a vast expanse of water. Eyewitnesses described stones and debris running down the hill and covering around eight homes in less than three minutes.
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