


  皇帝是中國封建社會***feudal society***最高統治者。秦王贏政統一中國之後,稱自己為皇帝。自此,中國開始了長達2132年的皇帝統治時期。到1912年中國最後一個皇帝溥儀退位,中國歷史上共有495位皇帝。皇帝一人掌握國家政策制定、軍事決策等全部大權,決定著國家和人民的命運。中國歷史上有許多英明的皇帝,他們勤政愛民,制定了許多合理的政策,促進了經濟和社會的發展。還有一些殘暴無能的皇帝,他們帶給了人民無盡的災難,受到人民的激烈反抗。


  Emperor was the supreme ruler of the feudal society in China. After Yingzheng, the king of Qin, unified China, he called himself Emperor. Since then, China had entered a period of emperors'reign, which lasted for 2,132 years. There were totally 495 emperors in the history of China until 1912, when Puyi, the last emperor of China gave up the throne. Emperors dominated all the rights of policy making and military decision and so on. They were the only ones who could decide the fate of the country and its people. In Chinese history many wise emperors were diligent in politics and loved their people. They made many reasonable policies to promote the development of economy and society. There were also many cruel and incompetent emperors who brought endless disasters to the people and were resisted fiercely.




  3.“到1912年中國最後一個皇帝…”一句的主句採用there be句型,說明中國歷史上皇帝的數量;再用until對時間範圍進行限制;在“1912”後面使用when引導的定語從句,說明該年份的特殊性:最後一個皇帝退位。

  4.“皇帝一人掌握…國家和人民的命運”一句偏長,可拆譯成兩個句子。後半句“決定著國家和人民的命運”翻譯時增譯主語“皇帝一人”,雖然原文說的是“一個人”,但由於歷朝歷代都有很多皇帝,因此要處理成複數:theywere the only ones,後面再加who引導的定語從句。



  重陽節***the Double Ninth Festival***,在每年的農曆九月初九,是中國的傳統節日。早在戰國時期***theWarring States Period***人們就開始過重陽節,到了唐代,重陽成為全國性的民間節日。攀登高山是重陽節一項重要的習俗,據說這樣可以避免災難,並且帶來好運。“九九”和“久久”在漢語中同音,因此,人們把重陽節與祝福老人長壽聯絡在一起。***,中國把重陽節定為“老人節”***Senior's Day***,使之成為一個全國性的尊老、愛老、助老的節日。在節日這天會組織各種活動,以幫助老人們交流感情、強身健體。


  The Double Ninth Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninthlunar month. The festival began to be celebrated as early as in the Warring States Period andbecame a national folk festival during the Tang Dynasty. It is customary to climb a highmountain, which is said to ward off disasters and bring good luck. Because "double ninth" isidentical in sound to "forever" in Chinese, people relate the Double Ninth Festival to the goodwish of longevity to the old. In 1989, the Double Ninth Festival was officially decided as theSenior's Day, a day of loving, respecting and helping the aged nationwide. On that day,varieties of activities will be organized so as to help old people exchange feelings with eachother and improve their physical health.


  1.第一句的譯法比較靈活,可將“重陽節是中國的傳統節日”作為句子主幹,再將“在每年的農曆九月初”譯為定語從句,即 The Double Ninth Festival, which falls on…, is a traditional Chinese festival。也可像參考譯文那樣處理。

  2.“早在戰國時期…”一句中,含有表示過去的時間狀語“戰國時期”和“唐代”,整句話的時態轉換為過去時。整句用“重陽節***The festival***”作主語,“開始過”和“成為”處理為句子的並列謂語。“過重陽節”可以用被動態 becelebrated 或 be observed 表達。

  3.第三句“攀登髙山是重陽節…”可使用it is customary to句型來翻譯“是…的習俗”,表達更地道、簡潔;“據說這樣可以避免災難”可以使用which引導的非限制性定語從句來表達。

  4.倒數第二句中的“一個全國性的…的節日”可翻譯為a day of loving, respecting and helping the agednationwide,作“老人節”的同位語。

  5.末句“在節日這天會組織各種活動…”,為漢語無主語句,翻譯成英語的時候應該把“各種活動”作為主語, 用被動語態表達。“以幫助老人們交流感情、強身健體”表示目的,可使用短語so as to來連線主句。