中國一度被稱為“自行車王國”***kingdom of the bicycle***是因為騎自行車的人數眾多。1995年中國的自行車產量高達4474萬輛。然而,隨著汽車行業***auto industry***的蓬勃發展,自行車市場需求急劇下降。到2000年,其產量降到2000萬輛。當下人們倡導更健康的生活方式,自行車已再度迴歸人們的生活,重新成為人們重要的出行工具。然而過去只需要100—200元的自行車如今售價很高,其功能當然更加齊全,也更為專業。如今—些世界頂級汽車製造商所生產的自行車越來越受到人們的歡迎。
China was once referred to as the "kingdom of the bicycle" because of its large cycling population. In 1995, up to 44.74 million bicycles were made in China. But with the booming of the auto industry, the bicycle market met with a sharp decline in demand. The number of bicycles that were produced fell to only 20 million in 2000. As a healthier lifestyle is being promoted, the bicycle has come back to people's life and once again serves as an important travel tool for people. However, bicycles that only cost 100 to 200 yuan in the past now are sold at a very high price. They are of course more functional and more professional.Bicycles now manufactured by some of the world's first-class automakers are gradually gaining in popularity.
1.第一句中的“因為騎自行車的人數眾多”有多種譯法,一是處理成短語,譯成because of或due to...;翻譯成原因狀語從句,用連詞because, as或for連線。注意人數眾多要使用形容詞large。
2.第三句中的“隨著汽車行業的蓬勃發展”可譯為with引導的介賓短語作伴隨狀語;“自行車市場需求急劇下降”可把“自行車市場”作為主語,將動詞“急劇下降”處理為名詞形式,譯為the bicycle market met with a sharp decline in demand,這種譯法顯得生動形象。
4.倒數第二句對比了自行車過去和現在的價格,同時提到了其功能,二者的聯絡不是很緊密,可將“過去只需要…如今售價很高”和“其功能…更為專業”拆開來譯。其中“過去只需要100-200元”可處理成that或 which引導的定語從句;“功能更加齊全,也更為專業”可直接譯成形容詞形式more functional and more professional。
王昭君是中國歷史上的一個真實人物。西漢時期,為了取得漢朝政府的支援,匈奴人***Hun***請求與漢朝政府和親***marriage alliance***。王昭君聽說後,請求嫁到匈奴部落。她勸說匈奴人減少戰爭,並把漢族的文化傳給他們,匈奴人民和漢朝人民和睦相處了60年。王昭君圓滿完成了“漢匈和親”的偉大使命,對當時***的緩和做出了積極的貢獻。她是實現民族團結、促進社會和諧的典範,兩千年來一直為各族人民所稱頌。
Wang Zhaojun was a real person in Chinese history. During the Western Han Dynasty, in order to obtain the support of the Han government, Huns sought a marriage alliance with the Han government.Wang Zhaojun heard of the news and requested to get married to the Hun tribe. She persuaded Hun people to reduce wars and spread the culture of Han nationality to them, so that the Hun people and the people of the Han Dynasty lived in peace for 60 years. Wang Zhaojun successfully completed the great mission of "the marriage alliance between Han and Hun" and made a positive contribution to easing ethnic relations at that time. She is a role model in realizing national unity and promoting social harmony, so she has been praised for two thousand years by the people of all ethnic groups.
2.“她勸說匈奴人減少戰爭,並把漢族的文化傳給他們”與“匈奴人民和漢朝人民和睦相處了60年”之間含有因果關係,因而使用so that連線,顯示其中的邏輯關係。
3.在“對當時***的緩和做出了積極的貢獻”中,漢語中“緩和”是名詞,翻譯時可將其動詞化,用英文ease 表達,這樣更符合英語表達習慣。
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