中國人對龍的理解與西方人不一樣。龍是帝王的象徵。帝王的子孫被稱為“龍 種”,帝王的用品也常常被加上“龍”字,如“龍袍”、“龍椅”等,連帝王的面色也被 稱為“龍顏”。龍也是傑出人物的象徵,漢語中有“臥虎藏龍”、“乘龍快婿”等。同時,龍也是一種祥瑞***auspicious***之物。因此,人們希望它能留在自己的家裡,保 佑自己家裡一切平安,萬事如意。每到舞龍燈***dragondance***的時節,人們會請人 到家裡來舞一回。又因龍呈威猛之相,故也有龍舟***dragonboat***驅鬼辟邪的說法。
Chinese people's understanding of dragon is different from that of Westerners.Dragon is thesymbol of emperors. The descendants of emperors are called “children of the dragon”. Theobjects used by emperors are also usually named with the word “dragon”,such as “dragonrobes' “dragon chairs' Even the face of the emperor is called “dragon face”. Dragon alsosymbolizes outstanding people. In Chinese, there are “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”,“aproud son-in-law” and so on. Meanwhile, dragon is also an auspicious sign. Therefore, peoplehope that dragon can stay in their homes to bless family members, thus everyone can behealthy and everything can go well. When it comes to dragon dance time, people will inviteperformers to perform in their own homes. As dragon appears awe-inspiring and fierce, it issaid that dragon boat can drive ghosts away and avoid the evil.
1.帝王的子孫:即“帝王的後代”,可譯為descendants of emperors,還可譯為 offsprings of emperors。
2.帝王的用品:即“帝王使用的東西”,可譯為objects used by emperors。
3.臥虎藏龍:按字面意思翻譯即可,即crouching tiger,hidden dragon。
4.乘龍快婿:並不是乘著龍的女婿,而是稱心如意、值得驕傲的女婿,可譯為 a proud son-in-law。
5.祥瑞之物:即“吉利的象徵”,可譯為auspicious sign。其中,auspicious意為“吉 利的”。
6.呈威猛之相:可譯為appear awe-inspiring and fierce,其中“呈......之相”即“呈現......的相貌”之意,譯為appear, “威猛”即“威嚴凶猛”,譯為awe-inspiring and fierce。
7.驅鬼辟邪:按字面意思翻譯即可,“驅”譯為drive away, “闢”譯為avoid,故 “驅鬼辟邪”就是drive ghosts away and avoid the evil。
1.帝王的子孫:即“帝王的後代”,可譯為descendants of emperors,還可譯為 offsprings of emperors。
2.帝王的用品:即“帝王使用的東西”,可譯為objects used by emperors。
3.臥虎藏龍:按字面意思翻譯即可,即crouching tiger,hidden dragon。
4.乘龍快婿:並不是乘著龍的女婿,而是稱心如意、值得驕傲的女婿,可譯為 a proud son-in-law。
5.祥瑞之物:即“吉利的象徵”,可譯為auspicious sign。其中,auspicious意為“吉 利的”。
6.呈威猛之相:可譯為appear awe-inspiring and fierce,其中“呈......之相”即“呈現......的相貌”之意,譯為appear, “威猛”即“威嚴凶猛”,譯為awe-inspiring and fierce。
7.驅鬼辟邪:按字面意思翻譯即可,“驅”譯為drive away, “闢”譯為avoid,故 “驅鬼辟邪”就是drive ghosts away and avoid the evil。
As one of the main tableware of Chinese people,chopsticks have a history of over 3,000 years. Thanks to the invention of chopsticks, our ancestors no longer grabbed food to eat. So chopsticks are the signal of civilization. The earliest chopsticks were made of bones and jade. During the Spring and Autumn period, copper chopsticks and iron chopsticks appeared. In ancient times, rich people used I jade or gold chopsticks to show their wealth. Many emperors and their family members used silver chopsticks to see if the food was poisoned.Traditionally, chopsticks are part of dowry, for its pronunciation “kuaizi” in Chinese sounds like having a baby quickly.
1.筷子的出現:“出現”即“發明”,可譯為theinvention of chopsticks.
2.象徵著文明的到來:直接翻譯成signal of civilization***文明的象徵***即可,“到來”不必譯出。
3.被人投毒:即“食物被下毒了”,可譯為the food was poisoned.
4.被當做新娘的嫁妝:可譯為chopsticks are part of dowry,也可譯為chopsticksare used as dowry。
5.聽起來很像:可譯為sound like。
6.快得子:即筷子的諧音,表達人們美好的祝願,可譯為having a baby quickly,或者having a baby soon
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