As a fashionable leisure activity, travelling is favored by a growing number of people. Due tothe rapid development of economy, the improvement of living standard and the government'ssupport of tourism, travelling is becoming more and more popular in China. Travelling hasgradually become an essential part of people's daily life. On holidays, numerous Chinesetourists would swarm into scenic spots across the world. When travelling, people can broadentheir horizons, enrich their knowledge and appreciate beautiful natural landscapes, whichwould eventually help to relax themselves physically and mentally. Thanks to the rich tourismresources and the enormous tourism market in China, the tourism industry has become animportant part of China's economy at present.
1.第一句的主幹為“旅遊為越來越多的人所喜愛”,可使用被動語態來翻譯;“作為一種時尚的休閒活動”可使用介詞as+名詞短語結構,譯作as a fashionable leisure activity,放在句首。
2.第二句中的“經濟的迅猛發展、人們生活水平的提高,以及政府對旅遊業的支援”實際上是旅遊更加流行的原因,可譯為due to...增強句子的邏輯性。
3.翻譯倒數第二句“旅遊時人們可以…,最終得以放鬆身心”時,第四個分句“最終得以放鬆身心”可以使用which 引導的非限制性定語從句來表達:which would eventually help to relax themselves physicallyand mentally。
4.最後一句中,“中國的旅遊資源豐富,旅遊市場巨大”是“目前旅遊產業已經成為中國經濟一個重要的部分”的原因,譯時可使用thanks to..., owing to...等短語表達原因。
As an essential part of the modern urban landscape, outdoor advertising reflects a city'sprosperity, cultural feature and taste. Enterprise are keen to improve their images constantlyand spread commercial information via outdoor advertising. As to the governments of alllevels, they hope to build city image and beautify the city. There will be a huge market foroutdoor advertising on which stricter requirements will be imposed meanwhile. With the rapiddevelopment of the modern science and technology, the outdoor advertising started to adoptnew material, technology and equipment. As a display medium which can display the contentof text, image, two-dimensional or three-dimensional cartoon, the outdoor LED media hasopened up a new era of outdoor media.
1.第一個句子的主語是“戶外廣告”,後面出現兩個並列謂語“是”、“反映著”。翻譯“戶外廣告是現代城市景觀中不可或缺的部分”時,可使用“介詞as+名詞短語”結構,譯作As an essential part of the modern urbanlandscape,置於句首,突出主次。
2.“各級政府也希望通過它樹立城市形象,美化城市”一句說政府希望達到的目的,而上一句說的是企業希望達到的目的,為了兩句之間銜接自然,這句話可增譯as to“對…來說”。
4.最後一句較長,翻譯時應注意句子結構。第一個分句“戶外LED媒體是…的顯媒體”可使用“介詞as+ 名詞短語”引導,置於句首;“能夠顯示文字、影象、二維或三維動畫等內容的”這個定語太長,可以在displaymedium後面用which引導的定語從句來表達。
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