在中國,玉***jade***的歷史可以追溯到商朝***the Shang Dynasty***。數千年來,人們都視玉為最珍貴的石頭。 在古代,玉是僅限於宗教儀式的物品。在封建社會***imperial society***,玉是財富和社會地位的象徵。人們普遍相信玉能辟邪,能保護佩戴者免於災禍。玉飾不僅能使佩戴者更美麗,還能促進其身體健康。中國的玉石種類有很多,其中最出名的是新疆的和田玉。
The history of jade in China can date back to the Shang Dynasty. For thousands of years, jade has been regarded as the most precious stones. In ancient times, jade was confined to ritual objects only. In imperial society jade was a symbol of wealth and social status. It is widely believed that jade can ward off the evil and protect the wearer from disaster. Wearing jade jewelry can not only help to make the wearer more beautiful, but also promote the health of the wearer. There are various kinds of jade in China, among which the most famous one is Hetian Jade produced in Xinjiang.
1.在第2句中,“數千年來”表達為for thousands of years 即可,“數”***several***可省譯,與之搭配的時態為現在完成時;本文的主題是“玉”,為了上下文論述角度的統一,在翻譯該句時宜把主語轉換為“玉”,譯作jade has been regarded as...。
2.在第5句中,“人們普遍相信”可套用it is widely believed that...句型;“能辟邪,能保護佩戴者免於災禍” 可用並列結構表達,譯為 can ward off the evil and protect the wearer from disaster。
3.倒數第2句的主語“玉飾”宜增譯為“佩戴玉飾”,以更好地達意,即Wearingjade jewelry can...
4.在最後一句中,“其中最出名的是......”可處理為非限制性定語從句,譯為among which the most famous one is...;“新疆的和田玉”實為“在新疆出產的和田玉",故宜譯為Hetian Jade produced in Xinjiang.
杭州是浙江省的省會城市的政治、經濟和文化中心。杭州歷史悠久,是中國著名的七大古都之一。杭州也是著名的旅遊城市,被譽為人間天堂***paradise***,義大利旅行家馬可?波羅***Macro Polo***曾稱讚它為“世界上最美麗華貴之城”。位於市中心的西湖景區以其秀麗的湖光山色和眾多的歷史遺蹟聞名中外。杭州特產眾多,其中以絲綢和茶葉最受歡迎。
Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, is the provincial center of politics, economy and culture. With a long history, Hangzhou is one of the famous seven ancient capitals in China. It is also a well-known tourist city hailed as "the paradise on earth". Italian traveler Macro Polo once admired Hangzhou as "the most splendid and luxury city in the world". Located in the center of the city, the West Lake scenic spot is world-famous for its beautiful lakes and mountains and many historical relics. Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products, among which silk and tea are the most popular.
1.第1句“杭州是......,是......”如依照原文采用並列結構表達為Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province, and is...,則稍顯平淡,不如將“是浙江省得省會城市”處理成“杭州”的同位語來得簡潔和有層次感,譯為Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province, is...定語“政治、經濟和文化”可用介詞短語 of politics, economy and culture 來表達。
2.第2句“杭州歷史悠久,是中國著名的……之一”可用並列結構譯為Hangzhouhas a long history and is one of...,但結構較鬆散,不如將前半句處理為狀語,用介詞短語With a long history來表達,使譯文更有 邏輯性、結構更緊湊。
3.第4句中的“位於市中心的”可處理為地點狀語,用分詞短語locatedin the center of the city來譯出。“以其秀麗的湖光山色和眾多的歷史遺蹟聞名中外”可套用be world-famous for...***以......聞名世界***的結構來表達。“眾多的”可用many或numerous來表達。
4.最後一句的主幹為“杭州特產眾多”,可將其作為主句,其中“特產眾多”意即“有眾多特產”,因此翻譯為 Hangzhou boasts numerous special local products。而“其中以絲綢和茶葉最受歡迎”為補充說明“特產 眾多”的內容,可用among which引導的非限制性定語從句來表達,譯作among which and tea are the most popular。
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