毛筆***brush pen***是中國傳統的書寫工具和繪畫工具。中國人使用毛筆寫字作畫的歷史已有數千年之久,歷史上有秦代蒙恬造筆的傳說。筆頭***nib***多用動物毛髮製成,比如兔毛、羊毛、狼毛等等,筆桿***penholder***多用竹子。由於社會經濟文化的需求,毛筆已經逐漸被其他書寫工具取代,成為收藏和鑑賞的古玩。現在,用毛筆寫字和作畫仍然是許多兒童和中老年人的愛好,因為它可以平靜心情、強身健體。毛筆是中國書法***calligraphy***和繪畫中必不可少的元素。
The brush pen is a traditional Chinese tool of writing and painting. Chinese people have usedthe brush pen to write or paint for thousands of years. There is a legend about Meng Tian'screation of the brush pen in Qin Dynasty. The nib of a brush pen is made of the hair of ananimal, say, the rabbit, the sheep, the wolf, etc. The penholder is often made of bamboo.Because of the requirement of social economy and culture, the brush pen has been replacedby other writing tools, and has become an antique for collection and appreciation. Now it isstill a hobby of many children and elderly people to write or paint with a brush pen, for it canmake people calm, strong and healthy. The brush pen is an indispensable element inChinese calligraphy and painting.
2.“歷史上有秦代蒙恬造筆的傳說”中的“歷史上”處在主語的位置,但是從邏輯關係來看,它不是“有”的施動者,本句缺少施動者,因此譯文應使用there be句型。“歷史上”可以不翻譯,因為“秦代”這個時間狀語已經包含“歷史上”的意思。
3.第五句“現在,用毛筆…”中的主語是“用毛筆寫字和作畫”,在翻譯時,為了避免頭重腳輕,譯文采用了it作形式主語,將真正主語to write or paint with a brush pen放在後面,這樣更符合英文的表達習慣。
中國傳統婚禮是華夏文化的精粹。中國古人認為黃昏是一天中最吉利的時間,所以會在黃昏舉行婚禮。中國人喜愛紅,將紅色看作是幸福、成功、好運、忠誠和繁榮的象徵。因此在傳統中國婚禮上,主色調是紅色,有紅色的蠟燭、紅色的緞帶***ribbon***、紅花和新娘的紅衣和紅鞋。新娘吃的食物也是一種文化象徵。新娘一般會吃紅棗***red date***、花生、桂圓***longan***和瓜子***melon seed***,其中的象徵意義可以從這四種食物的讀音中看出。當這四種食物放在一起讀時就是“早生貴子”。
Traditional Chinese wedding is the essence of Chinese culture. Chinese ancestors believed thatdusk was the luckiest time in a day, so they held the wedding at dusk. Chinese are fond of redcolor and regard red as the symbol of happiness, success, luck, loyalty and prosperity.Therefore, in traditional Chinese weddings, the main color is red. There are red candles, redribbons, red flowers as well as the red dress and shoes worn by the bride. The food the brideeats has cultural significance. The bride usually has red dates, peanuts, longans and melonseeds, the symbolic meaning of which is evident in the Chinese pronunciation of these fourfoods. When pronounced together, it sounds like "zao sheng gui zi ***Have a lovely baby soon***".
1.“吉利的”是漢語的表達,英文中對應的表達應該是“幸運的,好運的”。因此“最吉利的時間”可譯為theluckiest time,也可譯作 auspicious time。
2.“新娘的紅衣和紅鞋”如果逐字對譯為the bride's red dress and shoes則顯得有些生硬,此處宜譯作thered dress and shoes worn by the bride,使用過去分詞作定語,句子讀起來更順暢。
3.“新娘一般會吃…”,這個句子較長,為了讓句子更加緊湊,後半句“其中的象徵意義可以從這四種食物的讀音中看出”在翻譯時可以使用非限制性定語從句:the symbolic meaning of which is evident in theChinese pronunciation of these four foods。
4.“當這四種食物放在一起讀時”譯成英文時主句和從句主語一致,可使用“when+分詞”結構,譯作whenpronounced together。
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