


  中國的教育體制分為三個階段:基礎教育、高等教育和成人教育。基礎教育包括學前教育***pre-schooleducation***、小學和中學。高等教育由職業專科學校、學院和大學組成。1986年,中國開始實行從小學到初中的九年制義務教育***nine-year compulsory education***政策。中國政府把教育放在優先發展的戰略地位,提出了“科教興國”的戰略方針。在政府和人民的共同努力下,中國的教育取得了歷史性的成就。


  The Chinese educational system is divided into three stages: basic education, higher education and adult education. Basic education is comprised of pre-school education, primary school and secondary school. Higher education consists of vocational schools, colleges and universities. In 1986, China began to implement the policy of nine-year compulsory education from primary school to junior high school. The Chinese government has placed strategic priority on developing education, advancing the strategy of developing the nation by relying on the science and education. With the joint efforts of both the government and the people, historic achievements have been made in Chinese education.

  1.第1句中的“分為三個階段”實表被動的意義,故譯為be divided into...。

  2.第4句中的定語“從小學到初中的”較長,故將其處理成後置定語,用介詞短語from primary school to junior high school 來表達。

  3.第5句中的兩個分句均比較長可考慮用並列結構譯出:The Chinese government has placed strategic priority on... and advanced the strategy...。但不如將後半句“提出了......的戰略方針”處理成表伴隨的狀語,譯作advancing the strategy...,使句子邏輯關係更為清晰。“提出”可譯作put forward或advance。

  4.最後一句中的“在政府和人民的共同努力下”可用介詞短語with the joint efforts of both the government and the people來表達。翻譯“中國的教育取得了歷史性的成就”時,為了符合英語表達習慣,宜轉化原賓語“歷史性的成就”為主語,原主語“中國的教育”處理為狀語,全句用被動語態譯出,表達為 historic achievements have been made in Chinese education。


  五行學說***the theory of five elements***是中國古代的一種物質觀。五行包括金、木、水、火和土五種要素。五行學說強調整體概念,描繪了事物的結構關係和運動形式。五行學說認為宇宙萬物都是基於這五種要素的執行和變化。這五個要素相互作用,不但影響到人的命運,同時也使宇宙萬物迴圈不已。五行學說成熟幹漢代 ***the Han Dynasty***,之後廣泛應用於中醫、建築和武術***martial arts}等領域。


  The theory of five elements is a concept of matter in ancient China. The five elements include metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The theory of five elements emphasizes on an overall concept, describing the structural relationships and forms of movement of matters. The theory holds that everything in the universe is based on the movement and change of these five elements. These five elements interact with each other, affecting a person's fate as well as making the universe move in endless cycles. The theory got mature in the Han Dynasty and was widely employed in the fields like traditional Chinese medicine, architecture, and martial arts.


  2.第3句中的第2個分句“描繪了事物的結構關係和運動形式”可處理為狀語,表伴隨狀態,用分詞短語describing the structural relationships and forms of movement of matters 來表達。

  3.第4句中的“五行學說認為”可譯為the theory holds that...,亦可譯為according to the theory,承前句,“五行學說”可簡單轉換表達為“該學說”***the theory***。“宇宙萬物”可譯為the universe,強調整體,也可表達為 everything in the universe。

  4.第5句有三個分句,可把“這五個要素相互作用”處理成主幹,“不但影響到……,同時也使宇宙萬物……”處理為結果狀語,用分詞短語來表達,“不但……同時也”可用結構both... and...或... as well as...來表達,故整句譯為 These five elements interact with each other, affecting...as well as making...。

  5.最後一句“五行學說成熟於漢代,之後廣泛應用於……”可用並列結構譯出:The theory got mature in the Han Dynasty and was widely employed...。翻譯賓語“中醫、建築和武術等領域”時,先譯出中心詞fields,再用like或者such as來引出例子。