


  年畫***New Year painting***是最受中國家庭歡迎的民間手工藝術形式之一。年畫一般在春節時張貼。因年畫在新的一年到來後才會被換,故稱“年畫”。年畫是中國民間美術中較大的一個藝術門類,它始於古代的“門神畫***door-god picture*** 據說貼在家門上可以辟邪。同時,年畫還可以美化居家環境,增添節日的喜慶氣氛,為家人帶來幸福和歡樂,表達了民眾嚮往美好生活的願望。


  The New Year pictures are one of the most popular folk handcraft arts among Chinese families.Generally, they're posted during the Spring Festival. Because they will be replaced after anotherNew Year's arrival, hence their name is New Year pictures. The New Year picture in China is alarge category of folk art, originating from the door-god pictures, which is believed to exorciseevil spirits when posted on the door of a house. At the same time, the pictures can beautifypeople's homes, enhance the festive atmosphere and bring happiness and joy to the family,and express their hopes for a better life.


  1.民間手工藝術形式:翻譯為folk handicraft art,其中folk意為“民間的,民俗的”,art既可以表示“藝術”這一抽象概念,也可以表示具體的“藝術形式”,所以直接翻譯為art即可,不必加form —詞。

  2.藝術門類:應譯為category of art。

  3.辟邪:辟邪即“躲避厄運或凶惡的事務”,可譯為exorcise evil spirits。

  4.美化居家環境:“美化”即beautify,“居家環境”可譯成homes即可, 不要字對字生硬地翻譯為homeenvironment。

  5.增添節日的喜慶氣氛:可譯為enhance the festive atmosphere,這裡的“增 添”實際為加強的意思,翻譯的時候,一定要考慮語境,合理地選用單詞。 


  中國結***the Chinese knot***是中國的一種傳統而典型的民間手工編織裝飾品。在漢語中,“結”寓意團圓、友好、和平和愛等,所以中國結經常被用來表達美好的祝願。每個中國結通常只用一根絲線或絲繩編結而成,每一個結根據其形狀和意義命名。編織中國結的主要材料是各種線,線的種類包括絲、棉、麻***linen***、尼龍***nylon***等。中國結兼具實用性和裝飾性,充分反映了中國文化的魅力。


  The Chinese knot is a kind of traditional and typical folk hand-woven decoration in China. InChinese language, “jie ***a knot***” means reunion, amity, peace and love, etc., so the Chineseknot is often used to express good wishes. Each knot is usually woven with only one silk cord orsilk rope, and named according to its shape and meaning. Chinese knots are mainly made ofvarious cords which can be silk, cotton, linen or nylon and so on. The Chinese knot is bothpractical and decorative, fully reflecting the charm of Chinese culture.


  1.編織裝飾品:譯為woven decoration即可。

  2.寓意:可譯為mean 或 import。

  3.表達美好的祝願:這個短語很常用,譯為express good wishes。

  4.兼具實用性和裝飾性:此處最好進行詞性轉譯,把名詞轉譯成形容詞, 即 both practical anddecorative。

  5.魅力:可譯為grace、charm 或 glamour。