當前,城鎮化***urbanization***的全球趨勢以及世界人口穩步增長的趨勢已經持續了很長時間。對於發達國家來說,沒有跡象能表明城鎮化會導致人口增長 ***population growth***。但在發展中國家,城鎮化和人口增長則緊密相關。城鎮化對中國有某種積極的影響。隨著越來越多的人集中在城市尋找工作或商業機會,工業也隨著大量勞動力而繁榮起來。
Currently,a global trend of urbanization and the stable increasing trend of the world's population have lasted for a long time.For developed countries there is no evidence that urbanization causes population growth.However,in developing nations,the relationship between urbanization and population growth is close.Urbanization has had certain positive effects on China.As more people congregate in urban areas to seek jobs or look for business opportunities,industry flourishes with the huge supply of labor.
1.城鎮化的全球趨勢:可翻譯為a global trend of urbanization。
2.世界人口穩步增長的趨勢:可翻譯為the stable increasing trend of the world's population。
3.對於發達國家來說,沒有跡象能表明城鎮化會導致人口增長:“沒有跡象能表明…”可翻譯為there is no evidence that...;“人口增長”可譯為population growth。
家庭暴力***domestic violence***指的是在親密關係***intimate reiationship***中一方對另一方的虐待。通常來說,受害者是兒童和婦女。在中國古代,人們認為男人有權利懲罰他的孩子和妻子。廣義上講,家庭暴力不侷限於明顯的身體暴力,它也有許多其他的形式。關於家庭暴力產生的原因,出現了許多不同的理論,比如犯罪者的性格和心理特徵。外部因素也有影響,比如犯罪者所處的環境。然而,沒有一種理論能涵蓋所有情況
Domestic violence refers to the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship.Commonly the victims are children and women.In ancient China, people believe that a man has the right to punish his children and wife.In a broad sense, domestic violence is not limited to obvious physical violence.There are many other forms of violence.Many different theories are brought up as to the causes of domestic violence,such as the the perpetrators'personality and mental characteristics.External factors also play a part,such as the perpetrators'surroundings.However, no theory seems to cover all cases.
1.家庭暴力指的是在親密關係中一方對另一方的虐待:“家庭暴力”可譯為domestic violence;“親密關係”可翻譯為intimate relationship;“虐待”可翻譯為abuse。
2.有權利懲罰:可翻譯為have the right to punish.
3.身體暴力:可翻譯physical violence。
4.外部因素:可翻譯為external factors。
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