


  中國水運歷史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大運河***TheGrand Canal***為南北水運帶來了很大便利。明朝時期,鄭和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到達了非洲東海岸。中國河流眾多,海岸線長,水運條件優越。長江是最重要的內陸航運***inland shipping***通道,其主流從四川宜賓到海洋,全長超過3000公里。重慶、武漢和南京是長江沿岸的重要港口。中國港口很多,適宜海運,如上海、大連、秦皇島、天津、青島、寧波、廈門、廣州等。這些港口的航線能通往世界上150多個國家和地區。


  China's water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty ofrivers,a long coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is themost important inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.


  1.歷史悠久:即“有著悠久的歷史”,可譯為has a longhistory。

  2.隋朝大運河:即the Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty。

  3.南北水運:可譯為south-north water transport。

  4.鄭和七次下西洋:可譯為Zheng He sailed across seasseven times。

  5.河流很多:可譯為has plenty of rivers,或has a lot ofrivers,has lots of rivers。plenty of相當於a lot of或lots of,意為“很多的”。

  6.適宜海運:“適宜”理解為“有著有利的條件”,可譯為has fovorable conditions。“海運”即“海上運輸”,可譯為maritime transport。其中maritime意為“海上的,航海的”。


  中國是發展中國家中的大國,其工業化正在快速發展,環境問題也變得日益嚴峻,因此環境保護被國家視為一項基本國策。近年來,國家採取了很多措施來加強環境治理,如建立了世界著名的生態工程“三北防護林工程"***the Three-NorthShelter Forest Program***。此外,中國也在大力發展自然保護區,頒佈了《環境保護法》***The law on Environmental Protection***,加強環保意識和環保教育。目前,環境治理已取得明顯成效,大部分城市環境和農業生態環境得到了很大改善,工業汙染防治能力也大大提高。


  China is a major developing country undergoing rapid industrialization. The environmental problem in China is getting more and more serious, thus environmental protection has been taken as one of the basic national policies by the government. In recent years, the government has taken lots of measures to improve the environment governance, such as carrying out the world famous ecological project“the Three-North Shelter Forest Program”.Moreover, China has been greatly developing the natural reserves.“The Law on Environmental Protection”has been issued to strengthen the awareness and education of environmental protection. Now, distinct achievements have been gained in environmental governance.The environment in most cities and the agricultural ecological environment around the country have been greatly improved.The capability of preventing and controlling industrial pollution has been highly enhanced.


  1.發展中國家中的大國:可譯為a major developing country。

  2.變得日益嚴峻:可譯為is getting more and more serious或is getting increasingly serious。

  3.三北防護林工程:即the Three-North Shelter Forest Program。

  4.自然保護區:譯為natural reserves。

  5.頒佈了《環境保護法》:《環境保護法》即“The Law on Environmental Protection'“頒佈”可用issue—詞表達。

  6.環境治理已取得明顯成效:翻譯該句時可使用被動語態,譯為distinct achievements have been gained in environmental governance。