


  過去十年中國房地產***real estate***行業高速發展。但是,對很多人來說,買房卻不是一件容易的事情。高昂的房價甚至使一些年輕情侶推遲了結婚的計劃。鑑於此種情況,近年來政府採取了一系列的措施來抑制房價過快增長,包括整頓和規範房地產市場、提高房貸利率***mortgage rate***、增設房產稅***property tax***。目前,這些措施在部分城市取得了初步成效。


  The past decade has witnessed a high-speed development in China's real estate. But it is quitefor many people to buy a house. The high housing price even makes some young couples theirplan for marriage. In view of the situation, the government has adopted a series of measures inrecent years to prevent the housing price from rising too fast, including regulating and the realestate market, raising mortgage rates, and introducing property tax. At present, preliminaryeffects have been achieved in some cities.


  1.第1句可直譯為 For the past decade, China's real estate developed rapidly,但如果以時間“過去十年”作為句子主語,套用句型time + see/witness + sth.則表達更加生動形象。此時see/witness表“經歷,以……為特點”之義。本句可譯為The past decade has witnessed...。

  2.第2句中的“買房卻不是一件容易的事情”可譯為buying a house is not an easy thing,但套用 it is + a. + to do sth.句型來翻譯“做某事是怎麼樣的”會更符合英文的表達習慣,故該句宜譯作it is quite difficult for many people to buy a house。

  3.在第4句中,“鑑於此種情況”既可直譯為In view of the situation,也可譯為Given this situation,或是根據上下文轉譯為For this reason。“來抑制房價球快增長目的,故用不定式短語作狀語,譯作to prevent the housing price from rising too fast;“包括整頓......”起補充說明的作用,可譯為 including regulating...。

  4.在翻譯最後一句時,應轉換主語為“初步成效”,用被動語態譯出更符合英文表達習慣,譯作preliminary effects have been achieved...。狀語“在部分城市”表達為in some cities,置於句末。


  隨著生活水平的提高,保健品***health care products***日益受到中國人的喜愛。人們花費大量金錢來購買能量飲料、維生素藥片和美容飲品。這些保健品宣稱含有抗氧化物***antioxidants***,能使人增強體質、延緩衰老。 然而,最近有研究表明抗氧化物可能只是一個醫學童話。幾乎沒有什麼資料可以證明抗氧化物可以預防疾病。 專家認為,要打抗氧化作用***oxidative stress***,就要多運動,多吃水果和蔬菜。


  Chinese people tend to welcome health care products as the living standards improve. Theywould spend quite a large sum of money buying energy drinks, vitamin pills and beauty drinks.These health care products claim that they contain the antioxidants which could build bodiesand slow aging. However, recent studies show that antioxidants may be just a medical fairytale. There is little data supporting the use of antioxidants to protect against diseases. Expertssay that to fight oxidative stress, people need to do more exercise and eat more fruits andvegetables.


  1.第1句中,“隨著生活水平的提高”是狀語,可語為狀語從句as the living standards improve,也可譯為介詞短語with the improvement of the living standards;“保健品H益受到中國人的喜愛”是句中的主體,翻譯時,可沿用漢語句中的表達結構,譯為health care products become increasingly popular withChinese people,也可將主語轉換為中國人***Chinese people***,將保健品轉換為賓語,譯為Chinese peopletend to welcome health care products。

  2.第2句中的謂賓結構“花費大量金錢來購買……”可套用英講常用表達spend time/money ***in*** doing sth.,譯為spend quite a large sum of money ***in*** buying。

  3.第3句“這些保健品宜稱古有抗氧化物,能使人......”中包含3個動詞,如果逐字對譯為These health careproducts claim that they contain... and make people...則稍顯生硬。分析該句可知,“能使人增強體質、延緩衰老”說的是抗氧化物***antioxidante***的作用,故在翻譯時,可將其轉譯成抗氧化物的定語從句。

  4.第5句的前半部分的“幾乎沒有什麼數椐”可處理成There be結構,“幾乎沒有”用little表達;可以證明抗氧化物可以預防疾病”是補充說明“數椐”的情況,可用分詞短語supporting...表達,其中的“抗氧化物可以......”說的是抗氧化物的作用,譯作名詞短語the use of antioxidants to...簡潔明瞭,“可以預防疾病”表目的,用不定式短語to protect against diseases 來表達。