北京首都國際機場***Beijing Capital International Airport***位於北京市中心東北方向32公里處。機場於1958年投入使用,至今已有50多年的歷史。2012年,機場旅客吞吐量***passenger throughput***超過8千萬人次,是世界排名第二繁忙的機場:航班起降***take-off and landing***次數達56萬次,世界排名第六。然而,機場的容量仍然不能完全滿足客流量的需求。因此,一個新機場將在大興縣修建,預計2018年能竣工並投入使用。
Beijing Capital International Airport is located 32 km northeast of Beijing's city center. It was put into use in 1958 and has a history of more than 50 years until now. In 2012,the passenger throughput in the airport was more than 80 million, making it the second busiest airport in the world. The airport's airplane take-offs and landings reached about 560 thousand, ranking sixth in the world. However, the capacity of the airport still cannot fully meet the passenger flows. To this end, a new airport is to be built in Daxing County and is expected to be completed and put into use in 2018.
1.第1句中的具體方位“北京市中心東北方向32公里處”需根據英文表達習慣,將地址從小到大進行重新梳理,譯作 32 km northeast of Beijing's city center,置於句末。
2.第2句前半句中的“投入使用”為無被動標識詢的被動短語,譯作be put into use,由於此為實施於1958 年的瞬間動作,故應用過去式,即表達為was put into use。後半句表達的是延續到現在的情況***至今已有 50多年的歷史***,則應用一般現在時***has a history of...***。
3.第3句中分號前的內容包括兩個分句,前一個分句“機場旅客吞吐量***passenger throughput***超過......”可處理為主幹,後一分句“是......的機場”可套用make sb./sth. sth.的結構,處理成前一分句的伴隨狀語,表達為 making it the second busiest airport in the world。
4.最後一句中的“因此”並不是表論述主題的順承,而是表“為了解決這個問題”之義,故翻譯時,用短語to this end表達更為確切。
《紅樓夢》***A Dream of Red Mansions***寫成於18世紀,是中國著名的古典長篇小說。小說共計120回,前80回的作者是曹雪芹,後40回由高鶚完成。通過對賈氏封建大家族***feudal clan***生活的生動描述《紅樓 夢》展示了清朝***the Qing Dynasty***封建社會的興衰。小說塑造了大量的人物,其中主要人物就將近40個。以該小說為題材的藝術作品很多,其中最成功的當屬1987年由王扶林導演的電視連續劇《紅樓夢》。
Written in the 18th century, A Dream of Red Mansions is a famous Chinese classical novel. In this 120-chapter novel, the first 80 chapters were written by Cao Xueqin and the left 40 by Gao E. With vivid descriptions of the life in the big feudal clan of Jia, the novel reveals the rise and fall of the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty. The novel shapes a large number of characters and nearly forty are considered major ones. A lot of artistic works have been produced based on the novel, among which the most successful is the TV series A Dream of Red Mansions directed by Wang Fulin in 1987.
1.第1句直譯為 A Dream of Red Mansions is written in the 18th century and it is a famous Chinese classical novel,稍顯平淡沒有重點,將句首的“……寫成於18世紀”處理成狀語,用過去分詞短語written in the 18th century來表達,將後一分句“是中國著名的古典長篇小說”處理成主幹,句子主次更分明。
2.第2句可直譯為 The novel consists of 120 chapters with the first 80 being written by... and the left 40 by...,但稍顯繁冗、生硬。將該句轉譯為由兩個並列結構和一個介詞結構組成的簡單句,結構會更明瞭,即將句首的“小說共計120回”譯為介詞短語in this 120-chapter novel,“前80回的作者是......,後40回由......完成”則譯成並列結構 the first 80 chapters were written by... and the left 40 by...,後一個並列結構可承前省略“由......完成”***were written***。
3.第3句後一分句中的“展示了清朝封建社會的興衰”的核心是“展示興衰”***reveal the rise and fall***,“興衰”前的定語“清朝封建社會的”較長,可按英語表達習慣處理成後置定語,而“清朝”和“封建社會的”則可按照與中心詞的關係越緊密越靠近中心詞的表達習慣,譯作the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty。
4.分析最後一句的結構可發現,後一分句“其中最成功的當屬……”屬於對前半句內容的補充說明,故可將其處理成修飾前一分句內容的非限制性定語從句,譯作among which the most successful is... directed by Wang Fulin in 1987。
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