



  太極拳***Taijiquan***是一種中國武術內家拳***the internal styles of Chinese martial art***。它基於以柔克剛***the soft overcoming the hard***的原理,發端於中國古代,最開始是一種武術和自衛方式。隨著時間的推移,人們開始通過練太極拳來改善健康狀況、增加福祉***well-being***。練習者用意念慢慢地、輕輕地移動身體, 同時深呼吸,因此有時被稱為移動冥想***meditation***。中國人通常會在清晨到附近的公園練習太極拳。


  Taijiquan is one of the internal styles of Chinese martial art. It is based on the principle of the soft overcoming the hard and originated in ancient China as a martial art and a means of self-defense. Overtime, people began to exercise it to improve their health and well-being. Practicers move their bodies slowly,gently and with thought while breathing deeply,so it is sometimes referred to as “moving meditation”.Chinese commonly practice Taijiquan in nearby parks in early morning.



  黃梅戲***Huangmei Opera***源於湖北省黃梅縣的採茶歌曲,連同京劇、越劇 ***Yue Opera***、評劇***Ping Opera***和豫劇***Yu Opera***是中國的五大戲曲。它最初是以一種簡單的載歌載舞的戲劇形式出現的。後來,隨著飽受洪水災害的災民,黃梅戲傳到了安徽省安慶市。它吸收了徽劇和當地歌舞的元素,發展到了今天的形式。黃梅戲以一種淸新的風格反映了普通居民的生活,受到了群眾的喜愛。


  Huangmei Opera was originated from tea picking songs in Huangmei county, Hubei province.It is one of the Five Operas in China together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera.It first appeared as a simple drama of song and dance. Later, it was spread to Anqing city, Anhui province by immigrating victims of floods. Absorbing elements of Anhui Opera and local songs and dances, Huangmei Opera was developed to the present form. It enjoys great popularity among the masses by reflecting the life of ordinary people in a fresh style.


  1.黃梅戲源於湖北省黃梅共的採茶歌曲,連同京劇、越劇、評劇和豫劇是中國的五大戲曲:後半句可以理解為“黃梅戲是中國五大戲曲之一”,即 Huangmei Opera is one of the Five Operas in China。再翻譯句子的剩餘部分連同京劇、越劇、評劇和豫劇”時,可將其著作是句子的狀語,譯為together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera。

  2.它最初是以一種簡單的載歌載舞的戲劇形式出現的:“簡單的載歌載舞的戲劇形式”可譯為a simple drama of song and dance。

  3.後來,隨著飽受洪水災害的災民,黃梅戲傳到了安徽省安慶市:該句可譯為被動句,其中主幹則是it was spread to...by immigrating victims of floods。