One day, Ping Gong, the King of the State of Jin, said to his minister Shi Kuang: "I am over 70 years old. Though I "am eager to read some books, I feel it is too late."
Shi Kuang said: "Too late? Why don't you light the candle?"
Ping Gong said: "I am serious. But you go so far as to make fun of me!"
Shi Kuang said: "How dare I, a blind minister, make fun of Your Majesty? I heard that when a man in his youth is fond of studying, he is like the rising sun, brilliant and magnificent; when a man in the prime of life is fond of studying, he is like the sun at noon, with still half a day's good time ahead; when a man in his old age is fond of studying, he is like the flame of a candle. Though the light is failing, it is better than groping in the dark."
Hearing Shi Kuang's words, Ping Gong of Jin said with pleasure: "How well you have put it!"
Tian Rao had served Ai Gong, King of the State of Lu, for many years, but he was never appointed to any important position.
One day, Tian Rao said to Ai Gong of Lu: "I am going to leave Your Majesty, and fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose."
"What do you mean?" asked Ai Gong.
Tian Rao replied: "Haven't Your Majesty seen a rooster before? It has a red cockscomb on its head and looks very elegant. It has sharp claws on its feet and is of martial bearing. When facing enemies, it is very brave and vigorous and fights to the bitter end. When it fords food, it will call its pals to enjoy together, and is very kind. It keeps watch during the night and crows at dawn, never bungles matters and is very honest. Though the rooster has these five merits, Your Majesty still order your subordinates to cook it for food. Why is that so? Because it is near to Your Majesty."
Tian Rao paused and then continued: "As to the swan goose, its one flight covers I,000 li. Sometimes it stops by Your Majesty's pools, and eats your fish and soft-shelled turtles. Sometimes it stops in Your Majesty's fields and pecks your beans and grains. Though it does not have the merits of the rooster, Your Majesty still regard it highly because it is far away from you. Therefore, please permit me to fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose."
In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him. He told his neighbour: "This is dog meat."
The neighbour ate and drank his fill and said the taste was excellent.
After the meal, when the neighbour heard that what he had eaten was monkey meat instead of dog meat, he felt nauseated. He squatted on his heels and burst out vomitting till he threw up everything he had eaten.
Afterwards, people all said: "That neighbour is truly a man who cannot savour the taste of food."
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