A young man was caught stealing, and sentenced to death three days later.
He wanted to speak with his mother before the execution. Of course this was granted.
When his mother came to him, he said, "I want to tell you something." He said something but she could not hear. He whispered again, and when she came close to him, she put her ear to his mouth. He nearly bit off her ear. All the bystanders were horrified.
"It is to punish her," he said. "When I was young I began stealing little things, and brought them home to mother. "Instead of punishing me, she laughed and said, ‘It will not be noticed.‘ It is because of her that I am here today."
Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife.
He had heard from some old men before, that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore.
Because of this, for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure.
One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object.
He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim,“Wow! A big, shiny gold chain!”
He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat.
However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece of land and buying horses and cows...He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking.
The boat was finally submerged and he struggled to stay afloat. Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned.
A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life.
So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.
His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died.
The father became a bitter recluse, shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.
He was in heaven, witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne.
Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child's candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl.
Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked,“How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?”“Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.”
Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear, and its effects were immediate.
From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling's candle be extinguished by his useless tears.
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