A: Do you have any plans for tomorrow night?
B: Not really, I was thinking of maybe going to a movie. Do you want to go with me?
A: Sure. What movie were you thinking about going to?
B: Have you heard of Hot Fuzz?
A: Yes, isn’t it the director of that movie the same guy who directed Shaun of the Dead?
B: That’s the one. It’s an action comedy. What do you think?
A: Oh, to be honest, I didn’t really like the Shaun of the Dead. Besides, I like movies with happy ending best.
B: What do you have in mind?
A: I was thinking of seeing You, Me and Dupree. It is a typical Hollywood blockbuster.
B: Is it that the chick flick with Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson?
A: Yes, I suppose you wouldn’t want to see that, oh?
B: Not really. Do you like biographical drama films?
A: Oh, it depends on whom the film is about. Which movie did you have in mind?
B: And half the way, the new movie called Become Jean which is based on the true story of Jean Austin.
A: That sounds fantastic. What time is it playing?
B: It is on at 8:00p.m. at the phoenix theater. I have a membership there, so I can book ticket ahead of time.
A: Great, so I’ll meet you there around 7:45 tomorrow night?
B: Sounds good, I’ll see you then.
A: So have you seen all three The Lord of the Ring movies?
B: Yes, but I didn’t really like the third one at all.
A: That’s the Return of the King, right?
B: Yes, even though the costumes were brilliant. I didn’t think it was as good as the first two. What did you think?
A: I thought the special effects were amazing. But I got a bit confused, the plot was too complicated for me.
B: Did you read the book before you watched the movies?
A: No, did you?
B: Yes, I read them many times. I think it’s much easy to follow for people who already familiar with the characters.
A: Yes, trying to keep track with all the characters was quite confusing for me.
B: I also think it was much better in a theater than at home.
A: Most movies are. Another problem for me was the movie was dubbed in German with English subtitles.
B: That happens a lot in non-English speaking counties.
A: I heard the Return of the King was nominated for 11 Oscars.
B: Actually they not only had 11 nominations, but they won 11 Oscars too.
Faith: What are you watching on the telly?
Henry: There's a great sitcom on Channel 3 that starts in about 3 minutes.
F: Which one is that?
H: The Office. Have you watched it?
F: I've seen the British version and loved it, but have never seen the American version.
H: It's almost exactly the same. I think it's a hilarious show.
F: what are you watcfullg now?
H: They're just showing highlights of American Idol from last night right now.
F: I can't stand American Idol! I think it's really over-rated.
H: I couldn't agree with you more.
F: Have you got satellite, cable, or digital TV?
H: We have digital TV. It's amazing though-even with 100 channels, there's often nothing on that I'd want to watch!
F: Do you watch a lot of TV then?
H: I guess so. I'm a bit of a couch potato. How about you?
F: I don't have a TV at home, so I rarely watch anything. Is there anything worth watching after The Office?
H: There's actually a documentary on the history channel later on that I'd like to watch. Do you want to stay and watch it with me?
F: Why not. I don't have anything better to do!
H: Why did you turn the television off?
F: The amount of commercials on TV is unbearable sometimes!
H: There are a few channels that are commercial free. Do you ever watch those?
F: Yes, I do. I find their shows to be quite educational-and they don't often show repeats. Do you ever watch those channels?
H: Very rarely. Their shows aren't very interesting, to be honest.
F: Do you want to tum the TV back on?
H: I would, but I don't have the remote control. Do you have it?
F: No. I don't know what happened to it.
H: I guess I'll get up to tum it back on. Remote controls really make us lazy, don't they?
F: They really have, but you can't buy a television today without one.
H: That's so true.
F: I know what we could watch. There's a new reality show in which the contestants have to build a house.
H: Is that the one with the presenter who used to interview celebrities on the entertain- ment channel?
F: Yep, that's it.
H: Well, let's give it a go. He's a pretty funny presenter.
F: Alright. I'll just change the channel then.
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