以青年學生為主導的五四愛國運動***the patriotic May 4th Movement***發生於1919年的5月4日的北京,並迅速轉變成全國範圍的革命運動。中國工人階級作為政治舞臺上的一支獨立力量首次被喚醒。如今,五四運動已作為光輝的一頁載入了中華民族的史冊***annals***。五四運動絕不僅僅是一個歷史事件,它表現出青年人關注國家前途和命運的一種精神,並顯示出青年人的責任、使命以及對民族熾熱的愛。
Taking place on May 4th, 1919 in Peking, the patriotic May 4th Movement, conducted mainlyby the young students, quickly became a nation-wide revolutionary movement. For the firsttime, the Chinese working class was awakened as an independent force in the political stage.Today, the May 4th Movement as a glorious page has been included in the annals of theChinese nation. The May 4th Movement is much more than a historical case; it is a spiritshowing the young people's concern about the future and destiny of the country,andmanifesting the young people's responsibility and mission as well as their fiery love towards thenation.
1.發生於…並轉變成…:原文中句子較長,且修飾語很多,但前後句的主語統一,所以在翻譯時可將漢語中的“主謂結構”轉換成英語中的“從屬結構”,可譯為taking place...became...這種結構。
2.載入…史冊:可譯為be included in the annals,還可譯為be written
into the annals of history或者go down in history。
3.青年人關注國家前途和命運的一種精神:可譯為a spirit showing the young people's concern aboutthe future and destiny of the country,把“關注”由動詞轉化為名詞進行翻譯。詞性轉換的應用,可減少句子的複雜性,體現句式的變化。
4.顯示出青年人的責任、使命:翻譯為manifest the young people's responsibility and mission。
5.熾熱的愛:可譯為fiery love,也可翻譯為passionate love。
四合院***the quadrangle ***是中國的一種傳統合院式住宅。一個標準的四合院通常由一個庭院及其四周獨立的房屋構成。不同方位的房屋有著不同的名稱。坐北對著庭院***處的稱為正房***main house***,東西兩邊的稱為廂房***side house***,坐南朝北的稱為倒座房***reversely-set house***。長輩或一家之主住正房,晚輩住廂房。倒座房可以用作廚房、儲物間、客廳或書房。四合院如今已經成為觀光景點,併為世界各地的遊客所熟知。
The quadrangle is a traditional courtyard residence in China. A standard quadrangle usuallyconsists of a courtyard with independent houses along its four sides. Houses in differentdirections have their own names. The house on the north facing the courtyard’s entrance iscalled the main house; the house which lies on the east or west is called the side house; and theone stands on the south is called reversely-set house. The older generation or the head of thehousehold lives in the main house, while the younger generation lives in the side houses. Thereversely-set house can be used as a kitchen, a storeroom, a sitting-room or a study. Thequadrangle has now become a tourist attraction and is well-known to tourists from all over theworld.
1.合院式住宅:譯為courtyard residence即可,其中residence意為“住宅, 民居”。
3.觀光景點:可譯為a tourist attraction 或 a sightseeing spot。
4.世界各地的:英語中可把定語前置或者後置,所以此修飾語可譯成all over the world或worldwide.