“到此一遊***dao ci yi you***”是指有人到過某地***遊玩***。近期,網上的—張圖片引起了人們的密切關注,圖片顯示,埃及的一處遺蹟***relic***被刻上了“丁錦昊到此一遊”。這一事件在社交媒體上受到廣泛關注,該中國遊客的可恥行為一時激起了公憤。此外,還有很多其他遊客或損壞歷史遺蹟表面,或在旅遊景點插隊、亂丟垃圾、大聲喧譁。中國國家旅遊局***The Chinese National Tourism Administration***呼籲遊客注意自己的行為。但是批評不良行為、推行良好規範不應該只是說說而已。提髙遊客的文明程度需要長期的努力,開展公共教育、家庭教育並推進立法。
Dao ci yi you means someone once visited a place.Recently,a photo on the Internet drew people's close attention which showed“Ding Jinhao dao ci yi you”in Chinese characters carved on a relic in Egypt.The incident attracted wide spread attention via social media and stimulated public anger at the shameful behavior of this Chinese tourist.Besides Ding,there are many other tourists who have defaced historical interests, or misbehaved by cutting in line,littering and making loud noises at tourist attractions.The Chinese National Tourism Administration calls on tourists to pay attention to their behavior.But criticizing bad behavior and promoting good norms should not be just lip service.To raise tourists'civilization to a higher level requires long-term efforts devoted to public and family education and also legislation.
1.到此一遊:音譯為Dao ci yi you是合理的,因為整篇文章講述的都是出現在中國人中的一種現象,所以最好保留漢語拼音。
2.引起了人們的密切關注:可譯為draw people's close attention。
3.該中國遊客的可恥行為一時激起了公憤:“可恥行為”可譯為shameful behaviour;“激起了公憤”可譯為stimulate public anger。
3.損壞歷史遺蹟表面:可譯為deface historical interests。deface意為“損壞…的外表”。
4.插隊、亂丟垃圾、大聲喧譁:可譯為misbehaved by cutting in line,littering and making loud noises。此處用misbehaved處理顯得很靈活,因為這三種都是不良行為,增添這個詞使得邏輯更為清晰。cut in line意為“插隊,加塞”,litter 意為“亂丟,亂扔”。
6.不應該只是說說而已:可譯為should not be just lip service。其中lip service意為“空口應酬的話”。
助人為樂,是中華民族優良傳統之一。通過“助人”,既向別人提供了幫助,又體現了一種自尊。幫助他人要擯棄私心雜念,不能處處為個人利益著想。遇事要多替別人考慮,主動伸手幫助那些需要幫助的人。做到助人為樂,要偷快面對生活,不能自尋煩惱。在幫助別人的同時,自己收穫快樂,享受生活的樂趣。做到助人為樂,要積極行動起來,不能只說不做。要腳踏實地***be down-to-earth***,熱情周到地為他人服務,哪怕是簡單的小事,也要從一點一滴做起。
Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,one not only offered help to others,but also expressed one kind of self-respect.To help others,one should give up selfishness and shouldn't consider his own interest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.To be ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helping others, one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready to help others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.
1.體現了一種自尊:可譯為express one kind of self-respect。
2.擯棄私心雜念:“擯棄”可譯為give up,也可用abandon或get rid of表達。“私心雜念”可理解為“自私”,因此可簡單譯為selfishness。
3.主動伸手幫助那些需要幫助的人:可譯為initiatively give a hand to those that need help。
4.自尋煩惱:可譯為ask for trouble。ask for有“自找”的意思。