杭州位於中國東南沿海,是中國的“絲綢之府”***the Home of S i I k***。義大利著名旅行家馬可-波羅讚歎杭州為“世界上最美麗的華貴之城”。西湖位於杭州西部,以秀麗的湖光山色和眾多的名勝古蹟聞名中外。它是為數不多的免費5A景區。春夏秋冬都有其獨特的魅力。飯後漫步西湖,看一看音樂噴泉,聽一聽街頭彈奏,是一件愜意的事情。
Hangzhou,located at southeast coast of China,is“the Home of Silk”in China.The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo praised Hangzhou as“the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world.”West
Lake in the west of Hangzhou,is famous all over the world for beautiful lakes and mountains besides numerous renowned attractions.It is one of the few free 5A-rank scenic spots.West Lake has
its own unique charm in all seasons.It’s a pleasant recreation to walk at the lake after dinner,take a look at music fountain,or listen to music performance on streets.
對於每個來北京旅遊的遊客來說,一定不可錯過的美食無疑是北京烤鴨***Be i j i ng roast
For every tourist who comes to Beij in9,Beij ing roast duck is undoubtedly a must-not-miss cuisine.Roast Duck is a world-renowned Beijing special cuisine,developed by Chinese Han people in the Ming Dynasty,and served as royal food at that time.Beij ing roast duck is both delicious and good for health.It also meets the eating habits of all ethnic peoples in China.During the time of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,Beijing Roast Duck and Chinese dumplings were inducted into Chinese Olympic menu,and much loved by athletes from all over the world.In the Olympic
Village,about 700 Beijing Roast Ducks were consumed every day on average.
位於中國西南部雲南省的麗江古城是中國儲存最完整、最具民族特色的古城鎮之一,同時也是享譽中外的世界級旅遊文化名城。麗江地處雲南、四川、西藏三省交匯處。公路四通八達***extendi ng i n a|d i rect i
The Old Town of Lijiang at Southwest China’s Yunnan Province is one of the ancient towns in China that are best preserved and have most ethical characteristics.It’s also a world.class tourist attraction with excellent fame home and abroad.Lijiang is located at the intersection of Yunnan,Sichuan and Tibet provinces,with highways extending in all directions.There are a number of bus terminals in Lijiang,with great convenience of road traffic.Tourists may take a tour of the Old Town of Lijiang by easy stroll on foot.Taxies are certainly available as well,with minimum charge at 7 RMB Yuan.and extra l.8 RMB Yuan for each additional l kilometer.If one visits Lijiang at peak season of tourism,one must book hotel room in advance.
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