Mr. Turner married again and the family lived in a house of moderate size. The moderate mister married by mistake because the new mistress was a witch. In fact, she was a mistress of a devil. Every night, she stared at herself in the mirror and asked who was the most beautiful woman in the world. Mr. Turner had a daughter named Snow. Snow was a model daughter. She never played mischief. But the mistress still mocked at her dressing mode. She did Snow much mischief. The child suffered misfortune, she felt miserable. Finally, she left the house. Her father mobilized a mission to search for the missing girl. But the witch misled them in the mist. When Snow was 15, she was as beautiful as a fashion model. And the mirror told the witch about this. She was angry. After a mock murder, she sent a hunter. The hunter pretended to misunderstand her order. He let Snow go. On a day of a moderate climate, the mistress put some poison into the milk and mixed them up with a spoon. She pretended to be an old woman and tricked Snow into drinking the mixture. The girl moaned a little and went into a coma. A mobile medical team happened to pass by. Snow’s life was saved by a miracle. The angry witch tried to launch a long-range missile this time. The police arrested her in time with Mr. Turner’s help.
The ruler in this country was as monstrous as a monster. He did not know that a molecule is made up of atoms, so he forbade the others to go to school. He installed monitors everywhere to monitor the people. The monetary system became a government monopoly. The ruler was in no mood for thinking of modernization. Every time his subordinates asked to see him, he always answered, “I am watching TV for the moment. I am busy at the moment. Wait for a moment. I will come in a moment.” His subordinates waited and waited but could not see him. One day, the ruler wanted to build a monument to himself. He wasn’t modest at all. A huge mold was modified to build the monument. The moist season set in and the moisture made the builder work harder. The monument was done. The moment the ruler saw it, he cried with momentary excitement. Now he had another ridiculous request. He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly! Nobody was interested in his monotonous show, but none of them dared to say that.
Martha wanted to enter Iron People Competition. Her motive was to make some money and a cup on a silver mount. She just mortgaged her house. Her competitors mostly were males. Each player was given 5-pound food at most. Every one must make the most of it. Every one could eat no more than a mouthful food every meal. On the first morning, the sky was a mosaic of blue and white. The players mounted a high mountain. More or less they felt tired. At night, they lied down on the moss to sleep. Mosquitoes and mice visited them. The next day ,they needed to cross a river. It seemed that the mountainous waves would turn the ship over. A man was hurt. Martha suggested they stop to help him. But her motion was rejected. The others thought the situation became more and more urgent. Time lost return no more. Martha had a high standard of morality. Her moral sense let her made a decision. She quit and escorted the wounded man back. She carried the man, walking on the motorway. The motorway was dirty, and moreover, it was dangerous. Their movement was slow.On the way, Martha found a car, but its motor was broken. It took her an hour to fix it. She drove the car to the hospital quickly but the man was dead. His injuroes proved mortal. Even though man is mortal, Martha mourned for the dead friend.
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