In 1995 our small town was hit by a heavy snowfall. For many days our roads were closed.The snow meant no school for children and no work for adults. It also meant a difficult time for people with disabilities and the elderly.
My mom who has dedicated her life to helping and giving to others she knew needed help. Without hesitation, she strapped on a pair of snowshoes and headed out into the snow. She visited those she knew needed help, strangers, and friends alike.
People were grateful that she came. She collected grocery lists and words of gratitude. My mom delivered food and other needed supplies. She even shoveled a few driveways!
A week passed before it was easy for people to leave their homes. If it weren't for the help from my mom, many people would have been without medicine and proper food.
Blue jeans are a mainstay in thr fashion world.Considering their popularity, it is surprising to learnthat these denim trousers were only invented 150years ago.
Levis Strauss was immigrant from Germany. In 1850he found himself in San Francisco selling supplies togold miners. There was a need for durable pants soStrauss got to figuring out a solution.
He first made a pair of pants from canvas, which was used for tents, however, the minerscomplained that they were stiff and uncomfortable. Strauss then found materials made of softcotton from France, which today we know as denim. He made a pair of denim pants that weredyed with indigo dye giving them the famous blue color we know denim to be today.
The rest we say in history. Levis Strauss did not consider himself to be a fashion designer;however,he ended up designing one of the most common fashion items we have today, jeans.It just goes to show that you never know where talents lie or when they will pop up.
The phone woke Trisha-Marie Taylor up from a nightof tossing and turning. She plotted her little feet onthe floor and raced to the hallway. Normally, shewould put on her Mickey Mouse slippers first tocombat the cold tiles, but not today.
Today was an important day and she was toonervous to care about the icy floor. You see, last night as the Taylor family sat down for theirevening meal, Mrs. Taylor went into labor. The doctor told them the baby was having troublesand that it might go live in the crowds with other little babies.
Before bed Trisha-Marie with her teddy prayed for her little brother to be safe. She heard thephone being hung up as she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where her aunt was.Trisha loved her auntie. She was a kind woman with soft skin.
"Trisha-Marie," said her aunt, "Why don't you go get some paper and crayons. We have awelcome home card to make for your new baby brother." Trisha huggged her aunt's leg andskipped off to find her favorite red crayon.
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