There were three professors at the railway station.They were deep in conversation. The train had justarrived, but they didn't notice it. Then theconductor shouted:" Take your seats, please!"
The professors heard the conductor and dashed forthe train. Two of them got on the train before itdeparted. The third one was left behind. It wasProfessor White. He looked worried.
One of the professor's students who were at the station recognized him. He tried to comfortthe professor: "it wasn't really bad, sir." said the student, "Two out of the three caught thetrain. That's quite good, you know." "I know," the scholar with a nice moustache said, "But itwas my train. My friends only came to say goodbye. In addition, they took my baggage withthem."
Tom was a little boy, when he was 6 years old hismother died. Tom was anxious to get a bicycle buthe couldn't afford it. His stepmother told him to prayto God for it. He prayed and prayed but nothingturned up. He decided to write a letter to Godrequesting $100.
When the postal authorities received the letter to "God", they opened it and send it to thePresident. The president was so impressed that he instructed his secretary to send the boy acheck for $5 by airmail. He thought this would be enough for a boy.
After the boy torn open the letter he was delighted with the $5, so he wrote a thank youletter to God as follows:
Dear God,
Thank you very much for sending me the money. I noticed that you had to send it throughWashinton,D.C. As usual, those guys deducted $95.00.
One night, several hunters were sitting aroundoutside their tents boasting about the dogs theypossessed. Noticing that an elderly native waslistening intently, they all let it thick.
"Take my Setter" said one man, "it's my pride. WhenI sent him to the store for eggs, he refuses themunless they are fresh. What a nose my dog has!"
"That's nothing." another bit into a barbecued deer, waved his hand in the air, then said," mySpinger goes out for cigars and refuses to accept any but my favorite brand. Not only that, hewon't split the packet and smoke any unless he gets home and I offer him one.
"Say, old-timer," said another man, turning to the native with silver hair, "Did you ever hear ofany dogs as smarter as ours.
"Just one—my brother's dog," was the reply, "I think his maybe a bit smarter."
"How?" he asked.
"well," the old peasant replied, "He runs the store where your dog trade."