When the door-to-door salesman rang the doorbell of the suburban home, he was taken aback when a 10-year-old boy opened the door smoking a big cigar.
The salesman could only stammer out, “Er, is your mother at home?”
Answered the boy, “What do you think?”
: 許個願吧!
Every morning on his way to work, a businessman passed a house where he saw a woman beating her boy on the head with a loaf of bread. But on this particular day, he noticed that she was hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake.
Unable to restrain his curiosity, he rang the doorbell and the woman answered.
“Madam, I couldn’t help but notice that every day you beat your child with a loaf of bread...”
“That’s true...”
“And yet today I observed that you were hitting him with a piece of chocolate cake.”
“Well, today’s his birthday.”
“Did you know I could tell time by the piano?” asked one friend of another .
“You’re kidding,” replied his companion dubiously.
“I’ll show you,” said the first man as sat down at the piano and started to hammer out a martial tune.
Within seconds came a pounding on the wall, and an angry voice shouting, “Hey, you son of a bitch, don’t you realize it’s three o’clock in the morning?”
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