:The wolves, the sheep and Ram
The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting peace between them, on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death. The foolish sheep agreed to the terms, but an old Ram, whose years had brought him wisdom, interfered and said, "How can we expect to live at peace with you? Why, even with the dogs at hand to protect us, we are never secure from your murderous attacks."
:The swan
The swan is said to sing but once in its life-when it knows that it is about to die. A certain man, who had heard of the song of the swan, one day saw one of these birds for sale in the market, and bought it and took it home. A few days later, he invited some friends to have meal. He introduced the swan, and bade it sing for their entertainment, but the swan remained silent. In course of time, when it was growing old, it became aware of its approaching end and broke into a sweet, sad song. When its owner heard it, he said angrily, "If the creature only sings when it is about to die, what a fool I was that day I wanted to hear its song! I ought to have wrung its neck instead of merely inviting it to sing."
:The nightingale and the hawk
A nightingale was sitting on a bough of an oak and singing, as her custom was. A hungryhawk presently spied her, and darting to the spot seized her in his talons. He was just about to tear her in pieces when she begged him to spare her life: "I'm not big enough," she pleaded, "to make you a good meal, you ought to seek your prey among the bigger birds." The hawk eyed he with some contempt, "You must think me very simple," said he, "If you suppose I am going to give up a certain prize on the chance of a better of which I see at present no signs."
:Shally and the little fish
There was a big river. In the big river there was a big fish. The big fish was very bad.
It wanted to eat a boy or a girl every year. So the people there had to send a boy or a girl to the big fish every year. If not, the big fish would drown them, the people couldn't do anything about it.
The time came to send Shally to the big fish. Little Shally sat in a small boat in the middle of the river. She didn't want to die, and she was sobbing. The little fish saw Shally, they were very sorry for the little girl and they wanted to do something to help her, "Don't sob, Shally, let's think of an idea." The little fish found a knife and gave it to Shally, then, the big fish came to eat Shally. All the little fish nibbled***輕咬,啃*** the big fish, and the big fish was hurt. Shally took out the knife and killed it.
The big fish died, Shally and the other girls and boys there were all saved.
它每年都要吃掉一個男孩兒或女孩兒。 那兒的人們每年必須給這條魚送一個男孩兒或者女孩兒。如果不送,大魚就會淹沒他們的房屋村莊。