在中國,就業方面的不平等現象仍然是一個嚴重的問題。性別歧視的根本原因是,“男尊女卑***femaleinferiority***”的錯誤觀念在許多人心目中仍根深蒂固。為了解決這個問題,應該逐漸形成一種新的性別文化,以增加兩性間的和諧,政府也應該探索可以提升女性就業前景的市場機制。這是一個長期而艱鉅的任務,需要所有政府部門的投人和協作。在家庭暴力***domestic violence***的問題上,完善法律體制將是解決這個問題的最好的辦法。
Inequality in employment is still a serious issue in China.The fundamental cause of gender discrimination is the incorrect idea of female inferiority that is still ingrained in many people's minds.In solving this problem,a new gender culture should be cultivated to increase harmony between the two sexes and the government should explore market mechanisms that can promote women's job prospects.It is a long and arduous task that requires input and coordination from all government agencies.On the issue of domestic violence,improving the legal system would be the best way to deal with it.
1.在中國,就業方面的不平等現象仍然是一個嚴重的問題:“就業方面的不平等”可譯為inequality in employment,其中inequality***不平等***由equal ***平等的***派生而來。英語中派生詞很多,考生在平時要多加積累。
2.性別歧視的根本原因是,“男尊女卑”的錯誤觀念在許多人心目中仍根深蒂固:“根本原因”可譯為fundamental cause或fundamental reason。“男尊女卑”已經給出英文female inferiority,該片語直譯為“女性社會地位較低”,引申為“男尊女卑”。“在許多人心目中仍根深蒂固”可譯為be still ingrained in many people's minds,也可譯為be still deeply rooted in many people's minds。
3.這是一個長期而艱鉅的任務,需要所有政府部門的投入和協作:“長期而艱鉅的任務”可譯為a long and arduous task。“需要所有政府部門的投入和協作”可譯為that引導的定語從句,其謂語為require,“投入和協作”可用input and coordination表示,而output則意為產出。
“剩女***leftover women***”這個詞被用來指那些在二十八九歲,甚至更大年齡仍未結婚的女性。有些人認為“剩女”是需要認真對待的社會力量,而另一些人則主張這個詞應被視為褒義詞,意思是“成功女性”。據2010年的中國婚姻調查 ***Chinese National Marriage Survey***報道,90%的男人認為女人應該在27歲之前結婚。在中國,大部分“剩女”都是受過良好教育的中產階級。跟以前幾代人相比,如今的女性更加自由,更能夠獨立生活。
“Leftover women”is a term that refers to women who remain unmarried in their late twenties and beyond.Some people regard leftover women as a social force to be reckoned with”,while others have argued that the term should be taken as a positive term to mean“successful women”.In a 2010 Chinese National Marriage Survey,it was reported that 9 out of 10 men believe that women should be married before they are 27 years old.In China leftover women are mostly well-educated middle class.Women today are more free and able to live independently in comparison to previous generations.
1.有些人認為“剩女”是需要認真對待的社會力量,而另一些人則主張這個詞應被視為褒義詞,意思是“成功女性”:“認為…是”有多種譯法,可譯為regard…as,consider…as等,而句中的“被視為”同樣也有多種表達方式,如be seen as,be taken as或be regarded as等等,使用時注意掌握。“需要認真對待的社會力量”即a social force to be reckoned with,其中reckon with意為“認真對待,需要解決”。“褒義詞”可以譯為a positive term。
2.據2010年的中國婚姻調查報道,90%的男人認為女人應該在27歲之前結婚:“據…報道”可譯為it is reported that...,本句型為英語中的常用句型,其中的reported可替換為不同的詞表達不同的意思,如it is said that意為“據說”等。
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