


  氣功***Qigong***是中國文化的傑出遺產***legacy***,也是傳統中醫的一個重要組成部分。它是以調心、調息、調身為手段的身心鍛鍊方法。氣功能解乏並改善睡眠質量,從而提高工作效率。因此,在當代中國氣功仍然很流行。氣功分為醫療氣功***healing Qigong***和健身氣功***fitness Qigong兩類:醫療氣功用於治療身體疾病;健身氣功主要用於強健體魄,延緩衰老。越來越多的外國人加入練氣功的行列。


  Qigong is an outstanding legacy of Chinese culture as well as an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is to exercise both the body and the mind through the regulation of the mind, the breath and the body. Qigong relieves fatigue and improves sleep quality so as to improve work efficiency, which is why it is still popular in China now. There are two kinds of Qigong practices, that is, healing Qigong and fitness Qigong. The former serves as a treatment for diseases while the latter is used for strengthening the body and delaying aging. An increasing number of foreigners join the ranks of practicing Qigong.

  1.第1句的兩個分句分述了氣功的兩個性質,故可處理成兩個並列的表語,用as well as 或 both... and...等表並列的連詞來連線。

  2.第2句中的“調心、調息”中的“調”應該理解為“調整,調理”,用regulate再合適不過;“心”指“心理”而不是 “心臟”,“息”指“氣息,呼吸”而不是“休息”,故分別用表達。準確理解原文是翻譯的前提。


  4.第5句冒號後內容是對兩類氣功的解釋說明,用the former和the latter分別指代它們,簡潔明瞭且不會引起歧義。該句中出現了兩個“用於”,且所在句句子結構相同,可用意義相同的兩個短語serve as和be used for分別表達,以避免重複。


  科舉制***imperial examination system***是中國古代朝廷***imperial government***選拔官員的制度。它始於商朝***the Sui Dynasty***,歷時1300多年直到清朝***the Qing Dynasty***。科舉考試在中國古代教育史上長期佔 有主導地位。在古代社會,因為階級意識很強,下層民眾很少有機會在朝廷謀職。“科舉”評價體系讓來自貧困家庭的孩子有機會參加政府考試,併為家庭帶來榮譽。科舉制被證明是比它之前的任何考試製度都更公平、影響更深遠。


  The imperial examination system is the one that the imperial government adopted to select officials in ancient China. It was first put into practice in the Sui Dynasty and lasted more than

  1300 years until the Qing Dynasty, enjoying a long and dominant position in the history of ancient Chinese education. In the ancient society, because of the strong class consciousness, few people from lower classes had the chance to get any position in the government. The "keju" evaluation system offered opportunities to children from poor families to attend the government exams and bring honor to their families. This system proved to be fairer and more far-reaching than any other examination system existing before it.

  1.第1句中定語“中國古代朝廷選拔官員”較長,故將其處理成that引導的定語從句,“選拔官員”作目的狀語,用to select officials來表達。


  3.翻譯第4句中“下層民眾很少有機會在朝廷謀職”時將否定的意義從“少有機會”轉譯到“很少有人”***few people***,更符合英語的表達習慣。

  4.倒數第2句中的謂語動詞“讓……有機會”可譯成offer sth. to sb.或provide sb. with sth.的結構。注意句末的“併為家庭帶來榮譽”是與“參加政府考試”並列,故處理為與to attend... exam並列的省略to的不定式。

  5.最後一句的“科舉制被證明......”在翻譯時可套用prove to be句式,變被動形式為主動形式,或譯為it is proved that...的句型。“它之前的任何考試製度”可直譯為any other previous examination system或將 “它之前的”處理成“考試製度”的後置定語existing before it。