




  Urbanization refers to the process of rural people migrating into cities. A key index of a nation's urbanization level is the distribution of its population in rural and urban areas. In the last year, the urbanization rate of China was over 50%, which marks that China has stepped into a new "city-based society". Urbanization has become an important part of China's social and economic development. By offering better education and more job opportunities to urban residents, it not only improves their living standards, but also enriches their cultural experiences.

  1.第1句中修飾“過程”的定語“農村人口向 城市遷移的”較長,可譯為that引導的同位語從句that rural people migrate into cities,也可以譯為介詞短語0f rural people migrating into cities,作後置定語修飾“過程”。

  2.第2句中的“衡量一個國家城鎮化水平的一個重要指標”如逐字對譯為a key index measuring a nation's urbanization level,譯法刻板。“......的一個重要指標”,可處理成名詞短語的形式a key index of...,表達地道且通俗達意。


  4.最後一句中含有三個謂語動詞,“提供……機會”、“提高……生活水平”以及“豐富……體驗”,後兩者是“不但......也......”的並列結構,可用not only... but also...來表達。而“提供......機會”可看作是“提高人們的生活水平”的方式故可用By引導介詞短語作狀語,表達為By offering better education and more job opportunities。


  大多數人都認同騎自行車環保並且能夠有效避免交通擁堵的觀點。然而,他們依然有充分的理由放棄騎自行車出行。最明顯的理由是公共交通很便利。然而最重要的原因是他們出於對安全的憂慮。因為自行車道 ***lane***常常被汽車佔用,人們不得不冒著生命危險騎行在機動車道上。此外,即便在市中心某些地方,也沒有將 自行車道及機動車道分隔開的清晰標識。


  Most people agree that cycling is environmentally friendly and a good way to avoid traffic jams. However, they still have good reasons to abandon cycling. The most obvious one is the convenience of the public transport, while safety concern is the most important reason. As bicycle lanes are often occupied by cars, people have to risk their lives riding bicycles on motor lanes. Moreover, even in some downtown areas, there are no clear signs separating bicycle lanes from car lanes.

  1.第1句中的“認同……的觀點”可直接用agree that...表達,“觀點”可省略不譯。“環保”與“能夠有效避免交通擁堵”為兩個並列的成分,前者可譯為形容詞environmentally friendly,後者若直譯為can effectively avoid traffic jams,在結構上則與前面的be+a.不協調,故可轉換“有效”為名詞短語a good way to...,承前合用系動詞is,共同構成並列的表語。

  2.第3句若逐字對譯為 The obvious reason is that the public transport is convenient,則重複使用is,顯得囉嗦,故將後半部分處理成以“便利”為核心詞的名詞短語結構,表達為the convenience of the public transport,句子結構簡潔順暢。

  3.第4句“最重要的原因是他們出於對安全的優慮”直譯為The most important reason is...,則主語較長,為避免出現頭重腳輕的情況,可將safety concern用作句子主語,同時能起到強調作用。

  4.最後一句中的“將自行車道及機動車道分隔開”補充說明“標識”的情況,可用現在分詞短語separating bicycle lanes from car lanes 來表達。