中國是世界第二大石油消耗國,僅次於美國,同時也是世界最大的能源消耗國。中國的天然氣使用量在近幾年髙速增加,中國正在尋求增加管道天然氣和液化天然氣***liquefied natural gas***的進口量。最近一項調查表明,中國的大部分建築所消耗的電、熱和水等資源比發達國家的同類建築要多。例如,在相似的氣候條件下,北京居民家庭平均消耗的能源是德國北部家庭的三倍。
China is the world's second largest oil consumer, only after the United States;and is the world'slargest energy consumer. Natural gas usage in China has increased rapidly in recent years, and Chinais looking to increase the import of pipeline natural gas and liquefied natural gas. A recent surveyindicates that most of buildings in China consume more electricity, heat and water resourcescompared to those of developed countries. For instance, energy consumption for Beijing residents isthree times as much as that of the families in north Germany under the similar weather conditions.
1.中國是世界第二大石油消耗國,僅次於美國:China is the world's second largest oil consumer, onlyafter the United States.“僅次於”翻譯為only after... 還可翻譯為second only to…。
2.中國的大部分建築所消耗的電、熱和水等資源比發達國家的同類建築要多:“比發達國家的同類建築”中的“建築”跟前文重複,在譯為英文時應使用代詞,譯為compared to those of developed countries,而無需說compared to the same kind of buildings of developed countries.
3.北京居民家庭平均消耗的能源是德國北部家庭的三倍:翻譯為energy consumption for Beijing residentsis three times as much as that of the families in north Germany.
China is the world's most populous country and the largest energy consumer in the world.Rapidlyincreasing energy demand has made China extremely influential in world energy market.With ourcountry's rapid economic development, the pressure in the supply of energy has been remarkablyincreasing.Obviously, this situation has solid relationship with the present stage of economic andsocial development in our country.However, no matter which stage of development we are at, wewill be punished if too much energy is consumed, and then we will face problems like energyshortage, environmental pollution and ecological damage.
1.隨著…,能源供應壓力顯著增大:翻譯為With…,the pressure in the supply of energy has beenremarkably increasing, remarkably意為顯著地。
2.顯然,這與我國當前經濟和社會發展所處的階段有著切實的關係:“階段”可譯為stage或phase。需要注意的是,period指“一段時間”,用在此處不大合適。“切實的關係”可用solid relationship表示。
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