全球化是一種全球一體化***international integration***的程序。它發端於國際間視角、產品、理念以及其他文化領域的互換。全球化作為一種新的經濟和社會發展趨勢,給中國帶來了機遇,也帶來了挑戰。一方面,中國正成為世界製造業中心並在國際舞臺上發揮著日益重要的作用。另一方面,我們也面臨著如何在全球化程序中既要發展經濟,又要傳承優秀文化傳統的問題。
Globalization is the process of international integration. It originated from the exchange ofinternational views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. As a new trend of economic andsocial development, globalization has presented China with both opportunities and challenges. Onthe one hand, China is becoming the center of the world manufacturing and playing an increasinglyimportant role in the international arena. On the other hand, we are also confronted with theproblem of how to inherit our excellent cultural traditions as well as develop our economy in theprocess of globalization.
1.它發端於國際間視角、產品、理念以及其他文化領域的互換:“發端於”可用 originate from表達;“國際間視角”可翻譯為international view; “互換”可翻譯為 exchange。
2.世界製造業中心:可翻譯為the center of the world manufacturing。
3.我們也面臨著如何在全球化程序中既要發展經濟,又要傳承優秀文化傳統的問題:“面臨”可譯為beconfronted with;“全球化程序中”可翻譯為in the process of globalization;“傳承優秀文化傳統”可翻譯為inherit our excellent cultural traditions。
展望國內外形勢,我們可以說未來的五到十年是一段對我國經濟和社會發展來說極為重要的時期。世界新科技革命發展勢頭迅猛。經濟全球化趨勢增強。許多周邊國家正在加快本國發展。所有這些既對我們提出了嚴峻的挑戰,同時也為我們提供了努力迎頭趕上並實現跨越式發展***leap-forward development***的機遇。
Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad,it can be said that the next five to ten years willbe an extremely important period for China’s economic and social development.The world's newscientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly.The trend of economic globalizationstrengthened. Many neighboring countries are accelerating their development. All this serves as asevere challenge as well as an opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve the leap-forward development.
1.展望:可用look ahead表達。
2.經濟全球化趨勢增強:“經濟全球化趨勢”可翻譯為the trend of economic globalization;“得到增強”可用strengthen表達。
3.所有這些既對我們提出了嚴峻的挑戰,同時也為我們提供了努力迎頭趕上並實現跨越式發展的機遇:“嚴峻的挑戰”可用severe challenge表達;“努力迎頭趕上”可譯為strive to catch up;“實現跨越式發展”可譯為achieve the leap-forward development。
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