以青年學生為主導的五六愛國運動***the patriotic May 4th Movement***發生於1919年的5月4日的北京,並迅速轉變成全國範圍的革命運動。中國工人階級作為政治舞臺上的一支獨立力量首次被喚醒。如今,五六運動已作為光輝的一頁載入了中華民族的史冊***annals***。五六運動絕不僅僅是一個歷史事件,它表現出青年人關注國家前途和命運的一種精神,並顯示出青年人的責任、使命以及對民族熾熱的愛。
Taking place on May 4th, 1919 in Peking, the patriotic May 4th Movement, conducted mainlyby the young students, quickly became a nation-wide revolutionary movement. For the firsttime, the Chinese working class was awakened as an independent force in the political stage.Today, the May 4th Movement as a glorious page has been included in the annals of theChinese nation. The May 4th Movement is much more than a historical case; it is a spiritshowing the young people's concern about the future and destiny of the country,andmanifesting the young people's responsibility and mission as well as their fiery love towards thenation.
1.發生於…並轉變成…:原文中句子較長,且修飾語很多,但前後句的主語統一,所以在翻譯時可將漢語中的“主謂結構”轉換成英語中的“從屬結構”,可譯為taking place...became...這種結構。
2.載入…史冊:可譯為be included in the annals,還可譯為be written
into the annals of history或者go down in history。
3.青年人關注國家前途和命運的一種精神:可譯為a spirit showing the young people's concern aboutthe future and destiny of the country,把“關注”由動詞轉化為名詞進行翻譯。詞性轉換的應用,可減少句子的複雜性,體現句式的變化。
4.顯示出青年人的責任、使命:翻譯為manifest the young people's responsibility and mission。
5.熾熱的愛:可譯為fiery love,也可翻譯為passionate love。
漢語是一種很古老的語言。大量文獻記載說明,漢字起源於新石器時代***the Neolithic Age***仰韶文化時期,最早的漢字已有近4000年的歷史。漢字在其漫長的發展史中演化出不同的書寫形式,例如篆書***seal script***、隸書***official script***、楷書***regular script***和行書***cursive handwriting ***。中國書法家筆下的漢字往往以字形的誇張取得藝術效果,例如一些旅遊勝地的石刻碑文。
Chinese is a very old language. A host of documental records shows that Chinese charactersoriginated in Yaoshao Culture Period of the Neolithic Age, and its earliest characters date backto nearly 4,000 years ago. During their long history of development, Chinese characters haveevolved into many different script forms, such as seal script, official script, regular script andcursive handwriting. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in a way thatis exaggerated in form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen atsome tourist resorts.
1.漢字:可譯為 Chinese characters,注意不要把 character與characteristic混淆。
2.不同的書寫形式:可譯為different script forms或者different handwriting forms。script意為“手寫體;手跡,筆跡”。
3.中國書法家:譯為Chinese calligraphers,注意calligrapher的拼寫。
4.取得藝術效果:“藝術效果”在此可引申為“藝術美”,翻譯為artistic beauty;“取得藝術效果”可理解為“產生藝術美”。
5.石刻碑文:翻譯為stone inscriptions。
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