中國的四大發明包括指南針、火藥、造紙術和印刷術,它們是中國在人類文明史上佔有重要地位的標誌之一。第一個指南針產生於戰國時期***the Warring States Period***,是利用天然磁石***natural magnet***來辨別方向的一種簡單儀器。火藥發明於隋唐時期,主要應用於軍事領域,造紙術於東漢年間由蔡倫改進,使紙成為人們普遍使用的書寫材料。印刷術,又稱活字印刷術,大大促進了文化的傳播。四大發明對世界經濟的發展和人類文化的進步做出了巨大的貢獻。
Four great inventions of China include the compass,gun powder,the paper-making techniqueand the printing technique.They are one of the marks that China occupies an importantposition in the history of human civilization.The first compass was invented during the WarringStates Period.It was a simple device employing natural magnets to identifydirections.Gunpowder was invented in Sui and Tang Dynasties and was mainly used in militaryareas.The paper-making technique was developed by Cai Lun in the Eastern HanDynasty,making paper a commonly used writing material.The Printing technique,also calledmovable type printing,promoted the spread of culture significantly.The four great inventions ofChina made tremendous contribution to the development of the world's economy and theprogress of the culture of mankind.
中國菜***cuisine***是中國各地區、各民族各種菜餚的統稱,也指發源於中國的烹飪方式。中國菜歷史悠久, 流派***genre***眾多,主要代表菜系有“八大菜系”。每一菜系因氣候、地理、歷史、烹飪技巧和生活方式的差異而風格各異。中國菜的調料***seasoning***豐富多樣,調料的不同是形成地方特色菜的主要原因之一。中國菜強調色、香、味俱佳,味是菜餚的靈魂。中國飲食文化博大精深,作為世界三大菜系之一的中國菜,在海內外享有盛譽。
Chinese cuisine is a general term for the various foods from diverse regions and ethnic groupsof China.It also refers to cooking styles originating from China.With a long history, Chinesecuisine has a number of different genres,the main representatives of which are "EightCuisines".Every cuisine is distinctive from one another due to the differences inclimate,geography, history,cooking techniques and lifestyle.Chinese cuisine contains a richvariety of seasonings,which is one of main factors contributing to different local specialdishes.Chinese cuisine lays emphasis on the perfect combination of color,flavor,andtaste,and the soul of the dishes in taste.Chinese cuisine culture is extensive andprofound,and Chinese cuisine,one of the Three World Cuisines,enjoys a reputation home andabroad.
1.第一句話的漢語由兩個分句組成,句子較長,在譯成英文時,可把它拆分成兩句。“也指發源於中國的烹飪方式”可單獨譯成一句also refers to cooking styles originating from China,這樣可以更好的體現兩句的並列關係。
2.第二句話由三個分句組成。翻譯時將“中國菜流派眾多”譯為主句,“歷史悠久”用with a history of...來表達,“主要代表菜系有…”則用非限制性定語從句表示。這樣可以使譯文結構緊湊,句式多樣。
3.第三句中的“風格各異”可以用be distinctive from表達,比用have different styles更地道。
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