灞原風雨定, 晚見雁行頻。
落葉他鄉樹, 寒燈獨夜人。
空園白露滴, 孤壁野僧鄰。
寄臥郊扉久, 何年致此身?
an autumn cottage at bashang
ma dai
after the shower at bashang,
i see an evening line of wildgeese,
the limp-hanging leaves of a foreign tree,
a lantern's cold gleam, lonely in the night,
an empty garden, white with dew,
the ruined wall of a neighbouring monastery.
...i have taken my ease here long enough.
what am i waiting for, i wonder.
西路蟬聲唱, 南冠客思侵。
那堪玄鬢影, 來對白頭吟。
露重飛難進, 風多響易沉。
無人信高潔, 誰為表予心。
a political prisoner listening to a cicada
lo bingwang
while the year sinks westward, i hear a cicada
bid me to be resolute here in my cell,
yet it needed the song of those black wings
to break a white-haired prisoner's heart....
his flight is heavy through the fog,
his pure voice drowns in the windy world.
who knows if he be singing still? - -
who listens any more to me?
an elegy i
yuan zhen
o youngest, best-loved daughter of xie,
who unluckily married this penniless scholar,
you patched my clothes from your own wicker basket,
and i coaxed off your hairpins of gold, to buy wine with;
for dinner we had to pick wild herbs --
and to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling.
...today they are paying me a hundred thousand --
and all that i can bring to you is a temple sacrifice.
謝公最小偏憐女, 自嫁黔婁百事乖。
顧我無衣搜藎篋, 泥他沽酒拔金釵。
野蔬充膳甘長藿, 落葉添薪仰古槐。
今日俸錢過十萬, 與君營奠復營齋。
thoughts of old time at west fort mountain
liu yuxi
since wang jun brought his towering ships down from yizhou,
the royal ghost has pined in the city of nanjing.
ten thousand feet of iron chain were sunk here to the bottom --
and then came the flag of surrender on the wall of stone....
cycles of change have moved into the past,
while still this mountain dignity has commanded the cold river;
and now comes the day of the chinese world united,
and the old forts fill with ruin and with autumn reeds.
王浚樓船下益州, 金陵王氣黯然收。
千尋鐵鎖沈江底, 一片降旛出石頭。
人世幾回傷往事, 山形依舊枕寒流。
從今四海為家日, 故壘蕭蕭蘆荻秋。
on leaving guijiang again to xue and liu
liu changqing
dare i, at my age, accept my summons,
knowing of the world's ways only wine and song?....
over the moon-edged river come wildgeese from the tartars;
and the thinner the leaves along the huai, the wider the southern mountains....
i ought to be glad to take my old bones back to the capital,
but what am i good for in that world, with my few white hairs?....
as bent and decrepit as you are, i am ashamed to thank you,
when you caution me that i may encounter thunderbolts.
生涯豈料承優詔? 世事空知學醉歌。
江上月明胡雁過, 淮南木落楚山多。
寄身且喜滄洲近, 顧影無如白髮何!
今日龍鍾人共老, 愧君猶遣慎***。
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