I have a stream,I think every day can be corourful.
The red is symbol our loving ,we can see the world be full loving.
The blue is symbol our thinking,we can see the world be full thinking.
And the world will be looking like deeping.
The yellow is symbol our horizon, because Stand tall so see farther.Every thing will be simpling.
The green is symple our growth,The frush air will be washing our lung.And the little stream will be quietly grow.
I have a stream,I think every day can be corourful.
your scent
how to feel
the love is cold
how to retain
the dusk is past
I am still standing by the familiar River
smelling Gently
Inclusion in the wind
your scent
desolate night
a meteor fall in
boundless land
I can hear
the dark end
he was crying softly
maybe he's the same as me.
all in regret
the heart that can't get
Slowly time goes by
Slowly the green was disappeared.
Slowly the man no longer watched.
Slowly the leaves they all fell.
Slowly you son,I have to go.
Slowly waited made you feel sad.
Slowly journey made me can't say goodbye.
As long as the spring comes.
I will come back ,on time.
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